Piet Worm ~ Random House, 1958
Get ready, as I am sure more than one of you will have your mind blown by this post as that was exactly the way I felt when I first set eyes on this book at a flea market a few months back. It brought childhood memories flooding over me, and though I remembered so much when I saw it, for the better part of 30 years it had been forgotten completely.

"We shall take you on a short tour," the Mayor announced. Naturally it isn't easy for little horses to step onto a car, but with Peter's help and encouraging words whispered in their ears, Whitey, Blackie and Brownie managed to seat themselves in back while Peter and the mayor took seats facing them.
Though I adore this book now, I do have intense memories of feeling weirded out by the pictures. The man coming out of the tree costume and the horses standing upright dressed in drag was a little too freaky to me. Not to mention the trio's ladylike curves being so obviously feminine.... something about it is just not right people!

When I saw your book was part of the Dandelion series I went and checked to see if I had it - and I do! I've never even flipped through that book so now I'm curious...it does seem like a very odd premise for a book...a man dressed as a tree?? Horses dressed as women? You wonder how some of the authors came up with their ideas and that someone thought they were good enough to publish.
oh make no mistake... i totally think this book is AWESOME and my son loves it... I think the story is very imaginative if a little kooky... but there was just something slightly spooky in the pictures for me... but those books that freaked me when I was young seem to be the ones I like best of all now!
so are you saying you have the WHOLE dandelion library?
check it!
here are scans of the whole series...
Oh! Some of you perceive in an all too adult way, me thinks! I was born in 1957. Coincidentally, we ended up with three horses: one red, one black, and one white. For years I have been looking at my three horses and remembering ever so vaguely a book about three horses, one red, one black and one white. But MY memory, at such a young age back then, retained that the story included also three princesses, with red, black, and blonde hair who had these horses! I FINALLY Googled today and found the truth! Please don't turn these wonderful stories around too much in your adult minds! You have ruined my innocent good memories...horses in drag? It never occurred to me. I wish I hadn't read what you said! You have tainted my good memories.
Ooops.... Sorry about that. I'm glad you found the book though. Being reunited is always the best. I hope my mildly creepy memories didn't sully your good ones too much.
and you are remembering correctly. The three real princesses show up at the end and adopt the horses.
Have 1st edition of this book anyone interested ?
Have 1st edition of this book if anyone is interested
I had this book as a child. I loved it! I saw one at a tag sale years ago and would have bought it but for the water damage and mildew. :-(
I always had a fertile imagination, so the images never bothered me. But I always felt sad that the horses went on to "better things" leaving the friend in the tree suit who loved them.
Bronx Kid
I remember loving this book as a very young child... at least I think it was this one. Could you please let me know if it contains a picture of the little horses eating strawberries and cream?
let me see if I can dig it up... in the mean time, it is back in print now.
I loved this book as a kid! My Grandma read it to me all the time...I don't really even remember the story line but I. Would cry every time she got to the end of the book? And I begged her to read it again and again...maybe hoping the ending would change. That was about 25 years ago now :(
This was my favorite book as a child. I totally forgot that the horses dressed up or that they left their friend at the end. I just remembered that I loved this book about three different colored horses. Going to a baby shower that includes bringing your favorite book as a child, and I ordered the book to give at the shower. Hope people won't think I'm too odd now. :)
Have been thinking about this book for months! It popped into my memory one day. I had the book back in late 50's. I loved it. I remember feeling sorry for Brownie and for Peter at the end. Wondering if author is still alive. I'm going to get it for my niece.
I have the entire collection, 1st edition in original 'case' - very good condition of MY DANDELION LIBRARY - 18 books, 36 stories. Anyone interested?
I have been looking for this book for years, as it was one of my childhood favorites. I recognized the illustrations as soon as I opened this page. Thank you for helping me find it. I am wondering if you can help me place another. Unfortunately I don't remember the title, but was the story of a clutch of rabbits living on a hillside who were terrorized by a weasel, so they dress up as a dragon to scare the weasel away. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
That would be the "Lively Little Rabbit"!
The man disguised as the orange tree is now my Windows background. Thanks for posting this, I've been trying to place this book (from vague memories) for years. Stupidly I gave a bunch of my childhood books and records to the sister's kids and now they are gone forever. Sure need them now. :( But since this is back in print I'll be ordering one soon. I agree with the comment about not viewing this through adult eyes, if possible. As a child this was pretty special to me. It wasn't strange at all. Somehow I remember very little about the story on the reverse side. Perhaps I thought that one was just for icky girls. :D Anyway, thanks again. I've been looking for this book for YEARS with only memories of the horses as princesses. I'd forgotten completely about the orange tree. That is some kind of wonderful!
Radioman970 (James)
It has taken me about 40 years to find this book again! I had it when I was very little, and it was one of my favorites, but I couldn't remember the real name of the book. When I finally found it and got a copy from the library, I remembered every single piece of artwork in it!
There's a sequel- Three little horses at the king's palace that my son loves as well. My mom still has the original copy she grew up with, and I remember loving during my childhood, now it's on its 3rd generation!
It was my favorite story as a child before I was a reader myself. My dad would read it to me every night.
I am in the Netherlands now on a river cruise and I just went to a children's bookstore to ask if they knew which Dutch town square is the one in the book. It is out-of- print in the Netherlands and back in print in the US. I have both versions, Dutch and English, and it is the only book I still have from my childhood.
If anyone out there in kiddie-lit- land knows the locations, please e me at brillkt@yahoo.com.
I remember this amazing story when I was a child. It was at my grandparent's home and I only got to hear it there. Then later, it found its way home with me. I used to read it and look at the illustrations forever!! Such a strange story and I'll admit it's a bit bizarre, but in a good way. Alternative thinking and remembering that it's from the 1950's it's truly a bit off kilter, but then not. Some people were freaked out by the illustrations but... they were AMAZING to me!! As a young boy, this book was memorable and pivotal to me. Wish I still had the original copy. AMAZING book!!
Sweet! I thought the book was called "3 little princesses" although my favorite memories were of 3 ponys named " blackie, whitie, and brownie"....I've been looking for this book for many years!
I feel the same way too! Like a piece of childhood memories opening up for a glimpse
This book terrified me as a child. I don't remember why, but I remember something about Blackie and that the telling of the story was a very unpleasant memory for me. Did the story affect anyone else in this way or does anyone know the story well enough to possibly interpret it for me to suggest what may have caused my aversion to the book?
I had "The Three Little Horses at the King's Palace." Wow, what great memories! Now I'm on the hunt for a replacement copy.
My neighbor’s son Billy commented on his Facebook when his third daughter was born, “The stable is full of fillies!” I was so tickled by that I ordered Three Little Horses AND bought three little horses. I will read the story to Grace, who is 6, Olivia who is 4 and Charlotte who is 2 weeks. They will love it.
Neat book. I remember being sad at the end too.
I was born in 1957 as well. A neighbor lady gave me this book. I’ve loved it always.
This was my favorite book as a child. It had been my mom’s favorite, and she introduced me to it; it eas just like her, full of surprises and whimsy. I’m so glad to see it here, with so many readers recalling it fondly.
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