Ed Emberley ~ Little Brown and Co, 1974
It was hard to scan this title as the color is so brown and one-noted, so I hope my words illustrate what a rocking little book it is. From Ed Emberley who brought us the Caldecott Medal-winning Drummer Hoff, I would call this a part knight's tale, part book of sounds with a big 'ole dragon blowing flames in the middle. The simple line drawings are cartoonish and fun, but still express of certain amount of movement that elevate it from simply being funny. You see the sounds of the story written out within the pictures and the action of the words propels the story along. So inventive and well-executed. For example...
They came to a gravely hill
and rode down it,
They came to a rocky hill
and rode up it,
They came to a cave
and looked in...
A dragon looked out...
... and yelled at them!

The Story of Paul Bunyan
The Wing on a Flea
1 comment:
This is an adorable book. My daughter loved it to pieces when she was little. I especially love the way animals are hidden in the scene during PK&D's ride out, but are stirred into view on their galloping return. So sweet.
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