Joan Heilbroner ~ pics by Aliki ~ Harper & Row, 1962
Happy Monday gang... waking up from the weekend to a familiar story illustrated by the always lovely and remarkable Aliki. To me, pink and black make a great combo, and here the effect is that the images literally jump off the page. Which is great since the story is all about actions and reactions, so let's get hopping...
This is the boy
That walked the dog
That lives in the house
Where Jack lives.
This is the pail.
That fell on the boy
That walked the dog
That lives in the house
Where Jack lives.

My son really gets jazzed when I read this and thinks all the connected mishaps are hysterical. I, on the other hand, have always loved Weekly Reader I CAN READ books in that they are pocket-book perfect, and always tell a great tale in a limited amount of space. And now that my son is headed to four and starting to show signs of reading readiness, their simple story lines are great for sounding out words and having him "read" along. I am just so psyched that the time is nearing when I'll be able to sit my son down with a book and have him read it aloud himself. I'm not only excited for him, but totally psyched for my vocal cords and their much-needed vacation from vibration. YEA!!!!

Oh Lord, I Wish I Was a Buzzard
Keep Your Mouth Closed, Dear
That's Good, That's Bad
I have this book too and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I got it in the summer in a book sale. The cover of mine is a little different than yours!
I've been looking for this book my all time fav😊
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