Hope everyone had a marvelous holiday. I know we did. Now time for the
Great Monday Give! To kick off the New Year right, I am giving away a nice paperback copy of a book I will always hold dear to my heart as it was the first book ever gifted to my son (a baby shower gift)... by my cousin who just so happens to be one of my favorite people in the world.
The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf with pictures by Robert Lawson. Because of its illustrious in-utero history in my family, now it is always the book that I give to mothers-to-be, so know that some future baby-friend of mine will not be getting this copy just so I can share it with you awesome people. That said, to be entered to win, please leave a comment on this post by January 11 ~ midnight ~ Sunday. The winner will be announced the next morning.
As for the winner of
last week's give... now, be assured I didn't pick
Jennifer because she lives in the book editor's old house nor because she seems to be an
accomplished illustrator herself... the blind scroll and point method picks 'um every time. Congrats lady and email me your info so I can send
The Golden Treasury of Children's Literature off to you sometime in the near future.
So long for now kids!
Ooh, I really want this one!!!
What a lovely giveaway...count me in and thanks for being so generous.
Yes please! I have lots and lots of pregnant friends right now, and love your idea of giving the same great book to every pregnant woman you know!
I remember that book!! I love your site for helping me remember these wonderful titles; thanks!
Hooray! This is a wonderful book.
I almost bought over the holidays for my daughter based on my own nostalgia!
I've never read this book! Hope we get it.
We would love a copy of this one!
My favorite book, ever! Just wanted to say that, but we already have a couple of copies, so please don't enter me in the drawing...
I love this book! Thanks for a chance to win on my son's first birthday!
This is one of my husband's favorite books. His mom has a copy, but I doubt she'll let it go.
Oh, thanks for instructions! I was wondering how to enter the Monday give contests! This is a terrific book! I once heard someone do a talk about it and they said that it created a huge uproar when it was published because of it's pacifist hero.
wow! I haven't seen this before. I think it is very cute. A good friend of ours just had a baby and I might add this to my list of things to give to new parents as well.
we just got "Wee Gillis" which came after this one... another classic.
I always buy a copy of Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton (in board book format)because a friend once told me how much her kids loved that story when they'd read it with the singsong square dance caller voice. I just couldn't resist passing on the potential for memories like that!
love Ferdinand, but haven't picked it up yet - so many great books to own!
What a great giveaway! Absolutely one of my most favorite books in the whole world. I'd love this one (my childhood copy was long ago read to pieces).
I have fond memories of this book as a child!!
Oh wow-- thanks so much! I was just catching up on my blog reading and saw this. Off to email you right now...
oh wow!! this is one of my childhood favorites...cant wait to share it with the next generation :)
What a wonderful site you have! I just started my own Blog this morning and was doing a search to see if it was showing in Google. Didn't find it yet, but I found yours!
Just so happens tht I have the FIRST PRINTING EVER of this book (Ferdinand) in hard cover (no DJ :( )currently on my eBay auction!
If anybody wants to see it, just search on Ferdinand First Edition in ebay and it'll come right up! (My eBay ID: Timeless*Quality*Classics)
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