Great Monday Give is only for you hardcore thrifters, so for those of you who aren't super fancy pants, it is a wonderful find! What is up for grabs this week if you don't mind the fact that it is missing the dust jacket and it has a corner or two that is a little worn and has the price of 99 cents scrawled in indelible ink on its cover is a perfect reading copy of
The Complete Adventures of Curious George by Margret and HA Rey. This fat hardcover includes all seven of the original Curious George stories:
Curious George,
Curious George Takes a Job,
Curious George Rides a Bike,
Curious George Gets a Medal,
Curious George Flies a Kite,
Curious George Learns the Alphabet, and
Curious George Goes to the Hospital. Really, you haven't lived until you've read all seven stories back to back. To be entered to win, you need simply to leave a comment on this post before midnight ~ Sunday ~ January 25. The following morning the winner will be announced.
Last week's winner? Why
Julie DuRose of course. Please Julie, be a doll and e-mail me your 411 at webe(at)soon(dot)com and I will get your superfab copy of
The Little House out as soon as humanly possible.
Bye for now! Oh wait. I can't believe none of you have taken me up on my
Great Readers Write challenge. Tsk, tsk.
OH! I am thrifty! Pick me! LOL
ok, now this is SERIOUS business. sweet pea HEARTS george in every way. we have read about him nearly every day since birth and we simply must win this book. i will think positively!!!
I love the sound of this one--I have to admit that although solo editions are much easier (practically speaking) to read, I am a sucker for collected works!
I'll take you up on your challenge soon! I figured you had already been inundated. :)
Don't worry about entering me in the give, though-we won very recently.
Jonathan's mom
I would love to win this. I have a vintage copy of zozo goes to hospital. I think zozo was released first and then they changed the name to George.
There must be some sort of crazy cosmic connection going on today. I am actually WATCHING the 2006 Curious George film with the little boy I'm babysitting. I love the books and even as I watch this film I keep marveling how much I'd like to have a little monkey named George. He's so ridiculously cute.
Now thrifty is where I get excited...the little man of the house is the George fan as was his Daddy. Somehow I just didn't get the whole monkey thing until I had my own child. Keep up the good gives!
we actually had a copy of this and my first two children LOVED it. they couldn't believe how different George looked in the original book from how he looks now. unfortunately, my third child got ahold of it and ripped it to shreds. shredded it to the point it looked like a jigsaw puzzle.
I covet thee!
We have just one of these - the kite one, so, umm, if it is legal to enter a giveaway twice, I'd love to! And I will be writing in about the books we love here soon. Only my hard drive is full, so don't expect photos!
On second thoughts, better strike me out of the giveaway - it is too soon to trouble you so much again!
I love Curious George - a great giveaway!
Great giveaway! And thank goodness that 99 cent ink is inedible . . .otherwise I wouldn't have entered :)
Curious George is my very favourite! I've always loved these stories. This copy would be wonderful to have.
Can I just say that you have magic thrifting juju or something?
A couple of days ago, I found a copy of the Three Little Horses, which you reviewed a few weeks ago.
Months before, after reading your review of Stories that Never Grow Old, by Watty Piper, I requested it from the library closed stacks only to find that it was missing! But then it (magically) appeared at the Salvation Army.
A couple of book recs for you:
--The Whole World Over by Julia Glass. Very quick read, though I thought the first 300 pages better than the last 200. She name-checks classic kids' books left and right.
--Minders of Make-Believe by Leonard Marcus. All about the American children's book publishing industry.
If you pick me, I'll send a runner-up the C.G. books I *do* have (3, I think).
We love Curious George around here and we aren't picky about how the book looks.
Oh, what a wonderful find! And it will match all my other Goodwill books!
fabulous find!! i need more kids books :)
I love Curious George and so do my first graders! They would love to have this copy in our classroom!
My first graders and I would LOVE to have this copy of Curious George stories!
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