Good morning all. My son has recently started getting into audio books, and his current favorite is
The One and Only Shrek Plus Five Other Stories by
William Steig. It has been in constant rotation in our car for about a week, but sadly, it doesn't include one of my son's all time favorite Steig titles,
Amos & Boris. (Though of late, he has been leaning toward
Spinky Sulks, but I digress.) So, today the
Great Monday Give is a well-loved but still great Scholastic paperback of said book. Great story. Great illustrations. To be entered to win, all you have to do is leave a loving and sweet comment on this post before Sunday ~ February 1st at midnight. (Egad! Is it February already!?!) Good luck kids.
And although she'll think I fixed this, the winner of
last week's give is
Sweet Pea & Beans, the mommy blogger and recent
Etsy stationary sensation... and also a longtime reader and Internet buddy. I swear Meg, it was the blind scroll and point! Anyway, you know the drill... send me your info and when I feel so possessed I will ship the book to you right away, free of charge and so on and so forth... webe(at)soon(dot)com... yadda.
See you shortly with a new review everyone else!
Happy Monday. I'd love to be considered for this one. Thank you!
Sounds like a really sweet story!
Yes, please! It looks completely charming.
Sounds like a good one!
William Steig is great! Thank you!
Count me in, please!
we love william steig. my daughter's current favorite is gorky rises, although abel's island is great, too.
I've actually never read this one!
Now I realize there is not enough William Steig in our collection...
Would love to get to know this author. Thanks!
I love William Steig but I've never known how to correctly pronounce his last name.
This looks like a great book. Please! Alison
Looks like a fun one...
Oooh. A Steig I don't know. Sounds fun!
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