Today, I want to introduce a new, ongoing series here on Vintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves. Every once in a while I hunt down an author of old who I love and give them props, but I've been thinking lately that I'd like to highlight come contemporary children's book authors, as well. Particularly those who I know have a penchant for the vintage and well-loved. So today, meet Lane Smith, children's author and illustrator extraordinaire, whose latest book is Grandpa Green...
VKBMKL: I am a big fan of your site Curious Pages, where you’ve catalogued some of the favorite vintage (and not so vintage) titles in your personal collection.

VKBMKL: Thanks! Are the books featured on Curious Pages ones you remember from childhood or things you’ve collected and appreciated as an adult?
LANE: 90 percent of the books listed on Curious Pages were things I discovered as an adult. I didn’t have too many books as a kid. I have thousands of books in my collection now. They spill over from my house and into my office and into my wife’s design studio.
VKBMKL: Are you drawn as an adult to the same sort of books you were when you were young?

The books I enjoy as an adult have an off-kilter humor: Flannery O’Connor, Cormac McCarthy, George Saunders, Charles Portis. Obviously, these are not kids' books, but I am attracted to a similar tone in children’s lit: Sendak, Krauss, Charlip, Steig...
VKBMKL: Are there any books now you turn to for inspiration? I love how even as adults we hold onto things we remember from childhood. Is there an image from a children’s book that haunted you as a child? Do you have an all-time favorite children’s book?
LANE: My office shelves hold books that inspire me. I have my Charles Schulz shelf, my Provensens shelf, my Seuss shelf, my Maurice Sendak shelf, etc... not too many new books in my office.
This image from The Gateway to Storyland, haunted me as a child:

Addressing the broader picture, yes, I feel that kids can handle much more than grown-ups give them credit for. I agree that books should excite, inspire, stimulate and sometimes give a little shock. I found this quote by Maurice Sendak on Wikiquotes. I think it’s from his Caldecott speech: “Certainly we want to protect our children from new and painful experiences that are beyond their emotional comprehension and that intensify anxiety; and to a point we can prevent premature exposure to such experiences. That is obvious. But what is just as obvious — and what is too often overlooked — is the fact that from their earliest years children live on familiar terms with disrupting emotions, fear and anxiety are an intrinsic part of their everyday lives, they continually cope with frustrations as best they can. And it is through fantasy that children achieve catharsis. It is the best means they have for taming Wild Things.”
(Tune in tomorrow for Part Two.)
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Yike--more wonderful stuff to contemplate and enjoy---I'm never going to get outside if this continues! Ha! Have a wonderful weekend you prolific poster of wonderful wonders.
Thank you for this wonderful interview. I can't wait for part 2!
LOVE this, LOVE him. I would be way too fangirl to conduct an interview with him! Thanks for this today...perfect Saturday afternoon reading.
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