Because they are already selling Christmas stuff at the Target, today's Great Monday Give is the winter classic
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. All you have to do to win this slightly-used, but almost brand newish not so vintage copy of a vintage classic, simply comment on this post between now and Sunday, November 6.... before the clock strikes midnight. A winner will be selected on Halloween Day as long as I don't get too jammed up with party preparations and forget to blog altogether. Sigh.
That said, the winner of the
duo of Lobel books from last week's give is
Katie. Congrats! E-mail me at webe(at)soon(dot)com, and I'll get the books out to you sometime in the near future. That's all for now. Stay tuned for a review momentarily...
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Winning Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening as beyond-beautifully pictured by Susan Jeffers would indeed be the ultimate treat to find in one's Halloween sack this holiday! (Especially because this Frost poem is my all-time favourite as well! Am I excitey or what?!?!) Thank you for this opportunity to maybe (<---Good luck to me!) "open an early Christmas present"! That is to say, when it comes to a Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening giveaway, DO count me in!
What a perfect giveaway for a frosty morning. One of my very favorite poems, too. Thanks!
One of my favourite poems, and I didn't even know it was available illustrated! I'll have to buy a copy if I don't win!
OOOOhhhh!! This one is wonderful!! I love it!!
What a poem, and the illustrations are just incredible! Thanks for the chance to win it, this is a great giveaway!
What a neat book! Thank you for the chance to win! :-)
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Looks like a great one - yay for poetry for kids!
I am in love with the illustrations!
Oh, I love this book! It would be a great addition to our home library, as I get tired of checking it out!
Love Susan Jeffers' work--we would love this. Thanks!
This book looks lovely. I'd love to win a copy for my little one. Thanks for the chance.
Cover looks amazing so the inside will surely be great too :)
Looove the cover! I would like to enter the contest. Thank you!
One of our very favorites from the library!
Could you please put my name in the running?
I'd love to win this. Sign me up, please.
love the giveaway this week!
I'd love to be entered to win a copy of this wonderful book.
Thanks for the great giveaways.
I'd love to read this to my grandchildren!
I discovered this blog while scouring the Internet for information on the life of Roy McKie and found your great interview with him. Thank you for this great blog and fun givaways!
I would love to win this wonderful book. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!
I am not at all familiar with this book, but, I can tell you that I love it already. The art, while appearing simple in color shades, seems to be remarkably intricate in details, and I LOVE THAT!! I would enjoy a chance to win it. Thank you...
I've been thinking a lot about this poem lately. I'd love to win this book.
Oh how perfect this would be in time for Christmas with my dear adopted family in Massachusetts, where the snowy wood is what we wander through. I always bring something to read aloud. Enter me in for the possible chance that it will be this lovely book.
what a gorgeous cover! Would love to win this book!
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