If it would just rain, things could get a whole lot better.
Anyone out there who knows a magical spell to summon the skies to open up and pour down, please e-mail me directly.
That said, Labor Day and the fact that at any moment dry bush could spontaneously combust around us had me preoccupied yesterday, so I am only now getting to the Great Monday Give.
Written by one national treasure and illustrated by a Texas one, I am offering up for grabs today a practically brand new 1991 hardcopy of The Adventures of Isabel. All you have to do to be entered to win this dandy of a book is comment on this post between now and Sunday, September 11 at 11:59 PM. A winner will be selected at random and announced the following morning.
Sooooo, without further depressing news and dates, the winner of the Awesome Mystery Give from two weeks ago is Lisa! Congrats and send me your info to webe(at)soon(dot)com.
Godspeed Bastrop friends.
I've been a fan of James Marshall since I was a kid and read Miss Nelson is Missing. I would love to win this one. I'm so sorry to hear about the terrible droughts and fires in your home state. It's pouring buckets here in Florida and I'm hoping some will head your way very soon!
Texas really is getting the short end of the rain stick these days (Rain Sticks - do you think those would work?). Here's hoping for some rain soon.
Thanks as always for the giveaways!
Bummed that i didn't win the last Great Monday Give, but still hopeful to wine sometime! :)
I would love to be entered in the Great Monday Give.
I'd love to entered to win this adorable book~ thanks for the great giveaways!
We are huge James Marshall fans in this house! What a fun giveaway :)
I am so sorry about what is going on in Texas right now. Heartbreaking.
Oooh oooh oooh! Me wanty! Plllllease! Thank you!
Two great tastes, together!
Our house favorite James Marshall collaboration is "Bumps in the Night", written by Harry Allard. It is a masterpiece of the building of tension and unease, then giving a smooth letdown to a very happy ending. (And very amusing throughout.) One worth deconstructing with the kids, to figure out how it does what it does.
What a treat! James Marshall plus Nash = swoon
How fun! I remember this illustrator from when I was a kid. I'm always looking for great books for my four little ones :). Thanks for the giveaway!
I wish I could send you our rain.
If I win, please send to a Texas address. Thank you
I wish I could send you our rain.
If I win, please send to a Texas address. Thank you
What a fun giveaway!
Count me in for this one.
Huge Marshall fans in this house. Miss Nelson, George and Martha, The Stupids, the fairy tales, but we also read the Fox books, and we even read Yummers.
I would love to win The Adventures of Isabel! Please enter me in this giveaway.
Enter me please!
I'm a big Ogden Nash fan and would love to share this with my nephew and niece! (Thanks for introducing me to such wonderful books.)
aw, this looks so adorable!
I love vintage children's books.
I'm so sorry for Texas. Our prayers are for them.
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