Brian Wildsmith ~ Franklin Watts, 1967
Week three of first grade en Español.
Sometimes I feel like my son is so immersed in The Kane Chronicles, The Strange Case of Origami Yoda and all things "A es para ave" that it's nice to snuggle up with a big stack of picture books when he gets home from escuela. Still one of his favorites, the perceptual animal lover will never stop loving looking at Wildsmith's grand colors and wild, wild animals.
Once again, we find Wildsmith cataloging his creatures into their fascinating and sometimes aptly-named groupings. Such as...

Goodness gracious. I could go on and on and on about the beauty and, literally, wallpaper my whole house in his images and never ever EVER tire of the looking at them.
Bless this man and the splendid polish that comes from his hand.

A Child's Garden of Verses
Professor Noah's Spaceship
Maurice Maeterlinck's Blue Bird
Brian Wildsmith's Birds
The Hare and the Tortoise
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He's the boss. Like your new header.
Just de=light-full...and I like the new look on the blog.
Here's something just for you I know you will like-http://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2011/09/07/maurice-sendak-on-bumble-ardy/
Thanks guys... checking it out now Ms.
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