Happy February kids! Flying into this month I am a) starting a diet b) getting my ducks in line for the fall when my son blasts off to kindergarten c) flushing out my son's bookshelves to free up some space. On the last note, you know every time I do this a thousand doubles appear. Soooooo, we'll start the
Great Monday Give this week with a gem I found. A nice crisp and kinda newish paperback copy of
Eloise. It's great. A book that ruled my childhood. If you'd like to be entered to win, simply comment on this post before midnight, Sunday the 7th.... a winner will be randomly selected and announced the following day. Please keep in mind that I hunt no one down, so if you entered, check back to see if you won.
The winner of
last week's give of the basically new copy of
The Lorax is
Artfullife. Congrats and cheers all around. Send me your info to webe(at)soon(dot)com, and we'll see what we can do about getting it to you sooner rather than later!
I'd love to win! Missi
We haven't read this one either- wonderful! Thank you!
Love Hilary Knight's illustrations--we don't have this one. Thanks!
I've never read this classic, hope I get the chance to. Thank you.
i LOVE elouise!!! I have never read this one though, I have elouise in paris, the illustrations are so good!
Thanks for the shot at this one.
i hope you pick me!!!!
3 girls and I do not have this one yet- bad Mommy!
oooh! I really enjoyed Eloise growing up. Thanks for the opportunity!
Looks like fun!
Aw, I love Eloise- this would be great!
Believe it or not, we don't have this one. Sign me up please!
PS - thanks for always being so generous.
I haven't read this one.
What a lovely girly book :)
We usually get this one from the library--don't own our own copy yet!
I love Eloise!
My niece loves the Eloise books, but we don't own any yet! I'd love to win it for my daughter.
The illustrations are to die for! Also, this one brings out both my best little girl voice AND British nanny accent. Tho I still need a copy for my shelf.
Count me in. Thanks!
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
Aww.. Please pick me!! I really would like to have this one! I want to build up our only daughter's book supply. she is the only girl of five kids, and I think this one would be a splendid mommy/daughter time read!! Thank you for the chance. hope you are well...
Man that fever bug hit little boys hard from TX all the way to us in VA. Thankfully we had our winning copy of The Amazing Bone to get thru the weekend. Thanks for a great read.
I'd love to win Eloise for the only little girl in our family...she'll love it!
I've been meaning to add this to our library. Thanks for the chance!
Oh-ooh! My toddler is in love with Eloise, thanks for the give away! (Fingers crossed...)
Would love this book! I eye it frequently at stores. Thanks for the chance!
I classic treat!
My little girl and I would love this!
Congrats to Artfulllife for the win!
What's your technique for "flushing" your son's bookshelves? Do you donate the books or put them somewhere else for safekeeping? Recently I just rearranged my bookshelves and found much more room for new books. No need to get rid of any!
Well, we have so many great books and so little space that we are in a constant state of flushing...
we get rid of books if we have doubles or if I suddenly realise we don't like a particular book anymore. some I sell, some I donate, some I give to friends....
usually depending on what condition they are in and what I paid in the first place for them. if they are in good condition and I paid a lot for them (a lot as in $2 to $20), I usually sell them. if they are in good condition and I didn't pay alot for them in the first place (as in 25 cents to $1), I usually put them in the great monday give pile. if they are in just ok condition, I usually donate them.
if they are in good condition but not vintage, I give them away to my son's school. if they are in good condition and I know someone who might like to have them, I give them away.
whew.... we have to have a system for everything.
I've never read this one, but I'm pretty sure I'd love it. Thank you!
I would love to win as well!:)
This books sounds wonderful. Please enter me in this giveaway!
Sarah E
With respect to your reply above, whew, you do have a system for everything! Wouldn't it be lovely if it could somehow include all the spare books coming to me - vintage, non vintage, really tattered, just ok - anything as long as it is a book! That said, Eloise will be very welcome in our household :)
Inspired by your blog and love of vintage children's books! Thanks for the time and thought put into this!
It's very cool that you do this! I've yet to read an Elouise book to my daughter (or to myself for that matter!). Thanks for the chance.
Robin V
My daughter adores Eloise in the movies (& I love Julie Andrews...) - and it's been a while since we've read the book. Count us in!
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
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