Good morning gang. So the
Great Monday Give for today is a near mint, hardcover, dust-jacketed reprint of
Eloise, one that I got for free from the publisher some ten years ago at a party at The Plaza Hotel when the movie rights were sold. I still have my original childhood copy, so I figured there is no reason to hold onto this one when someone else could be enjoying it. This copy is in "give-it-away-as-a-birthday-gift", almost perfect condition and would made some kid very, very happy.
To be entered to win, comment on this post before midnight ~ Sunday ~ October 12. I will pick a winner at random and post it here a week from today.
That said, please give it up for the winner of
last week's give,
Jaime! Congrats and please e-mail me at webe(at)soon(dot)com with your shipping info, and I will mail
The Little Red Hen to you sometime in the near future....
That said, happy Monday folks. Let the games begin!
My girls were just introduced to Eloise last week by a friend, and would LOVE to have this!
Since my birthday is coming up, I'd love it for myself (and mykids, of course!).
I haven't introduced my littles to Eloise yet, so we'd be thrilled to get a copy!
i'd love a copy of eloise, though it makes me feel sad--no more plaza hotel. stupid luxury living!
My little foster girl would like this a lot. We are really trying to encourage her to learn to read!
I love Eloise!
Last week's little red hen had kind of scary pictures (mine had pencil? illustrations). But Eloise looks like a lot of fun :-)
We love to read!
cute give!! have a great day!!!
I have admired Eloise for years, but we don't own a copy! This would be wonderful!
Eee! One of my own childhood favorites, but I don't have a copy either!
So kind of you to share like this always - how delightful!
Long time reader... infrequent commenter (sp??) Couldn't pass this giveaway up! :)
My first look at your blog and you have a give away. Sweet- Eloise is so girl happy.
great give away! today we read a classic called The Magic Pumpkin by Lucille E. Sette. great read for halloween!
I absolutely adore this one. And it gives me a chance to practice my British accent.
I love the Eloise books!
I haven't read the book before - but sounds like my kind of book!
Your blog is wonderful! I stumbled across you the other day and was so pleased, since I'm trying to build up my little girl's library and I'm always looking for recommendations. Thank you for sharing.
I would love to win Eloise for my granddaughters.
Love Eloise books and would love to win :)
I love Eloise's spirit. She reminds me of my own little one. Thanks.
Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
such a great book!
Eloise is a favorite little girl book!
I've never read Eloise before, but I've been dying to have a copy for awhile now. Seems like she'd be just my cup of tea! :)
My fifty-something year old aunt has always been obsessed with Eloise and I've had some apprehensions about sharing the books with my four year old since Eloise is a bit... haughty. I think it could be fun, though. Rawther.
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