Margret Rey with pictures by H.A. Rey/ published 1958 by Houghton Mifflin
Am posting on this book for a number of reasons. First being that everybody loves George. Flies a Kite ~ in particular ~ happens to be my son's favorite CG book and is probably in his top ten reads of all time. I spent at least six good months back when the boy was one reciting these pages over and over again throughout the day, and that is saying a lot. The thing takes at least 18 minutes to get through aloud. And second is that I am sensing it as a Great Monday Give soon. Plus, as I've mentioned before, it holds one of my personal favorite lines in children's literature...
With the hook
on the string
and the string
on the stick
and the cake
in the box
in his hand,
George went back to the lake.
Some of the George books can be wordy and harbor blurry plot lines, but this one (and CG Rides a Bike) is perfect for the smaller set, with colorful, lively pictures and great rhythm to the language.
You know, my son's book collection is segregated in my brain into three categories.
1) Books I hate to read. They are usually boring, with crappy pictures, but for some reason they found their way into my home and when the boy thrusts them into my face, I have to suck it up and oblige, all the while daydreaming of something different. IE, more recent Berenstain Bear and Little Critter books.
2) Books I hate to read but know that I should, so I do anyway. That is, books that are long and tedious but I know the boy is learning from. IE, Birds Do the Strangest Things and Red Tag.
3) Books that are perfect in every way. Books that I am psyched to read when the boy brings them to me. Books that are entertaining to me as well as him. IE, this one.
A must have on a long road trip. I might even consider having the boy read this at my funeral... poetic justice for all the hours and days I've clocked reading in rhyme and making funny voices. Of all the books I've loved and he's listened to, this one probably wins the "Most Times Read Aloud" award.
Also by:
Katy No-Pocket
We love George too (although if I watch the movie once more I am going to go bananas). More favourite though is a book from my childhood by the Rey's but George is called Zozo. I can't find any oher books but mine is Zozo goes to hsopital (there is a George book of the same name). Not sure why or where the released these Zozo books but I am always on the look out for more
I have "Zozo gets a Medal" and I was wondering the same thing until I read that Curious George became Zozo in Britain in the 1940's to avoid comparison to King George VI , also "curious" was another term used for "gay" at the time!
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