Jan Lööf ~ translated from the Danish by Else Holmelund Minarik
Harper & Row, 1968
originally published as Min Morfar er Sørøver ~ Denmark, 1966
How I've gotten this far and this deep into doing this and never noticed Jan Lööf's stuff before is beyond me. A Swedish author, comic book artist and jazz musician, I've seen his work before (most notably, Who's Got the Apple), but it didn't really click until this time around. Love at first read, for sure. My son is a wiggler when I read, and I always know that when he goes dead still and quiet on the first read of a book that means it's an instant favorite. I knew the moment I saw the cover that I was in love.

"I was the captain of that ship," he says. And then he tells long stories about how he dueled with his worst enemy, the Arabian priate chief, Omar.
"He's making it all up!" says Grandma. "He has worked in the post office all his life."
But I don't think Grandpa's making it all up, because he keeps some pirate clothes
up in the attic.

Uncle Louie's Fantastic Sea Voyage
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Haven't seen this one before, thanks for the posting.
I love this, but following your blog is seriously damaging my bank account x
Tell me about it! :)
The Swedish edition of this book from 1986(?) have lovely, full-panel colour illustrations, with more detailed drawings... This must be a very early version of the book. Ths colour version is fantastic, get it if you can! (Love your blog, BTW)
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