Today... today is like the best day of my recent life. If last night was the worst (which is was), then today outshines it a million fold. The boy got a shot this morning and didn't scream and only shed one tear. He then proceeded to eat an entire eel roll without pushing the insides out and refusing to eat them (as he is prone to do). And in about 15 minutes, he will be officially enrolled in kindergarten. A mere month away from his five-year-old birthday and all the stars are aligning for this to be one great spring/summer.
In celebration of this new dawn, I was gonna pick something incredible for the Great Monday Give. Sadly, my son locked the door to my office and I have not the key and I have no idea what's in there to giveaway. Worry not my comrades in words. Today's give will serve as a mystery give. I will pick a book from my collection to give and it will be guaranteed positively awesome! Take a chance on winning by commenting on this post between now and 11:59 PM on Easter Sunday, 4-4-10. A winner will be selected and announced the next day using the highly technical blind-scroll-and-point method. Take a chance and roll the dice and know that if you win, your selection will be hand-selected by me and totally great!
Just in case you were wondering... Last week's give of Little Bear goes to Katrina. Congrats and send me your info to webe(at)soon(dot)com. Ta for now!
yay for you! yay for the bub! glad the shot thing went ok. can't believe we are mothers of
5yo boys and soon to be kindergarteners! xoxo
Who doesn't love a mystery?!
Fascinating and gorgeously exciting... a mystery book! How delightful. Happy Easter. Gill.
Alrighty. I'll bite for the mystery give.
My big guy got enrolled into kindergarten today too!
The people working in the office kept "talking down" to him and he had to ask, "Why are they talking like that?"
Ha ha ha.
I hope you use the same scroll and pick at random method to pick this week's book once you get back into your office. That way it's a surprise for you too.
ooh pick me pick me! I just found you and i'm pretty sure that I will quickly become an addict/stalker/frequent visiter. I used to work at B&N in the kids dept but i find i'm always still looking for books to recommend to my friends. Can't wait to read through lots and lots of your posts and check out all the goodies. Thanks for all your hard work!
What fun--count me in.
C'mon,,,C'mon. It was Professor Plum in the Library with the Candlestick.
Oh! A mystery give. What fun! Count me in. :) Thanks!
We're potty training this week so a mystery book may be just the thing to shake up our stuck at home boredom.
Surprises are the best!
Yes, please. You know what I love (your books!).
Count me in for the mystery give! Keep up the great work!
Sounds like fun! Count me in too!
I love a good surprise! Count me in!
keep the good stuff (your wonderful posts) coming. I love it!
I love mysteries! Count me in =]
My daughter is just finishing her kindergarten year. Good stuff.
Fun! My nephew would love this!
Love this blog and I love a mystery. Count me in!
Oh snap! This author is awesome. I've read his New York one and San Fransisco book. I would love this one. HOpe I get picked. :)
I love M. Sasek!! I dont have this one yet. Great blog btw
who doesn't love a mystery
You always have such a wonderful selection of books.
M. Sasek is what brought me to your blog in the first place!
Oooo, I'd like to be part of the draw, please!
Awesome! We have "This is New York" and love it.
My son was born in Texas. Would love to add this one to our collection!
I would LOVE to win this book! Texas is the BEST!!!!
I'm leaving my comment to enter the giveaway. I happen to have been looking for this book recently!
Sign me up! I've got "This is Hong Kong" which is great. And now our daughter's Aunt Christine lives in Texas, so we need this book.
Oh, I'm so excited! My husband (who's from San Antonio!) and I are huge fans of M. Sasek- his art is so incredibly beautiful. We have reprints of "This is New York" and "This is Ireland", but other titles are pretty pricey when we've seen them on Ebay. Oh,and whenever my husband and I go to San Antonio to visit his family, stopping by Half Price Books (and Chuy's) is an absolute must.
Oh, I hope I win- keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks!
Oh, I love these books. I used to have This is Paris a long time ago. Please enter me. I've always wanted to live in Texas.
My great friend from 2nd grade (almost twenty years ago--whoa) is moving to Texas to start his dermatology residency. This would make an excellent parting gift from me to him, and for him to embrace his new home.
The whole "This Is" collection is amazing. Thanks for sharing your find.
I love Sasek, and my daughter's grandparents were from Shreveport, Texas! I hope to win!
what fun! can't wait
Please, please, I have a loved cousin who is a grandmother who has moved to Texas and I would love for her to share this with the granddaughter back in Massachusetts.
Aaah, Texas! Wish we still lived there. We miss the bluebonnets and bbq. Hope we win! Thank you!
One of my favourite book as a child was "This is London", my father gave it to me after a trip to the UK;
Since then I never stopped loving the work of Sasek. If Belgium is not too far, please count me in for the Texas book!
I thought that maybe I'd write a really long comment to increase my odds of winning. But watch as integrity wins out and the comment ends.
M. Sasek's books are great. I have "This is Paris" and "This is Venice" and would love to have "This is Texas" as well.
This looks like a wonderful book! Thanks for the chance to win!
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Oh wow, oh ow! I think this may be my new favorite blog. I am an obsessive collector of vintage children's books. I have several of the books in this series but not this one and I'd love to add it. I will be back to spend several hours on your blog, I'm sure. I am so glad I found it!
PS. Knowing you love vintage kids books, you might enjoy the "books" section of my Picnics in the Park blog. I have some real treasures there. Enjoy--from one fellow book lover to another.
mystery book giveaway sounds like fun please count me in
A surprise sounds fun!
I'd love a surprise. You always have neat giveaways.
We read the This is SF and This is Paris book regularly! Would love to add this to our library.
We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings: http://winningreadings.blogspot.com/2010/04/this-is-texas.html
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
I'd love this for my daughter!
Count me in, too, please.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
yes, please! (did I miss it already?)
Count me in, please!
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