Wow. Christmas was a winner no? I got everything I wanted and got to see my son catch a snowflake on his tongue for the first time. Life doesn't get better than that. Seeing as I lifted my childhood copy of
Babar and Father Christmas while home for the holidays, I thought I'd gift the sweet little 20-year old paperback we've been reading for the last few years. It's in near perfect condition and ready to find a new child to love. After this, I promise... no more Christmas until next year! To be entered to win, all you have to do is comment on this post between now and midnight, Sunday ~ January 10. A winner will be announced the following day!
For those interested on how the holiday Great Monday Give went down, check out
Our Little Library's post for the contents of her goody bag. Sorry about the damage sister. I knew I should have sprung for the box! Drat.
Stay tuned for more William Steig later on this afternoon. Adios for now!
There can never be too much Christmas! For a few years now I've been purchasing a new Christmas book each Christmas. My collection is growing! I have not thought of going vintage for Christmas though...so maybe this will be a new trend for me. Loving your blog!
Just wanted to tell you, I am really enjoying your blog. I love childrens books, and I have been a collector as well as a reader for a long time. I also got a new Christmas book this year, by Richard Paul Evans, "the Christmas Candle." It was surprisingly wonderful, and I'm sure we will read it each year now. One of my all time favorite kids books is "The Wheedle on the Needle" ever read that one? Its from the Serendipity series. Keep up the good work! As a lover of books, I now get to make my own. Check out my blog, or my website. www.simplestorybooks.com or www.simplestorybooks.blogspot.com.
I'm glad you had such a lovely Christmas, but I'm equally glad you're back! We only have one Babar book in our collection. This would be a nice addition to our small, but growing pile of vintage books.
You could keep on talking Christmas books and I'd never grow tired of it! I'd just start collecting ones to read for next year!
I would love a copy of this book. :)
Love your blog.
We love reading that book from the library!
Yes, please! Always looking to add to the Christmas pile...
I've just discovered your blog and am very excited about it. Please enter me- I'll be back:-)!
Happy New Year as well. Babar was a favorite of mine as a child since it was one of the few series of books that I had in both French and English.
Happy Post New Years. I hope you and yours had a great holiday.
OH! My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Babar!! I would LOVE to win it! Thank you! and Happy New Year! May it be a blessed and safe one for you and your family.
Yea, another Babar book! Please count me in. Thank you!
Would live to be entered. I haven't read this book yet. Came across your blog about a week ago, although I can't recall how. Loving it!
Seeing this book posted here brought back great memories of going to the library as a child, reading, and checking out Babar books! I loved Babar and his many stories. I would love to win this book!
Sarah Emmerson
Oh, please! My son really enjoyed his Christmas books this year, and he loves Babar as well.
At my house we are just discovering Babar. We already love Christmas!
Like everyone else says, you can't get too much Christmas! I'm still looking to expand my daughter's Christmas library...
We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings: http://winningreadings.blogspot.com/2010/01/babar-and-father-christmas.html
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas! I'm *still* not ready to let it go! I pulled out my stack of Christmas books and have been reading several each night with a cup of hot chocolate! Yum...books and chocolate!
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