Roger Duvoisin ~ Alfred A Knopf, 1952
As most of you know, I am a huge Petunia fan and really anything Duvoisin... so imagine my surprise unpacking our Christmas books from the attic to find this one. A library sale score from last season that I'd all but forgotten. The illustrations are a knock out (as always), but even more than that, this is the one where our fowl heroine falls in love. (And seeing as I was married the day after Christmas, I am all about holiday romance, even more so when it's goose on goose!)
Who wouldn't fall in love with a love story that begins like this...
The new snow was soft like a kitten's fur. Petunia liked it that way, and she went out for a walk to feel it with her feet.
Thump thump. Sigh. Then she meets a gander.
"I am Petunia," said Petunia. "You are handsome."
"I am too fat," sighed Charles. "Being fattened for Christmas. Alas, I fear I'll be roasted and served with apple sauce. Aren't you being fattened too?"
"Pets aren't fattened," said Petunia. "I am a pet. Why don't you come with me and be a pet too."

Petunia, Beware!
The Rain Puddle
A Child's Garden of Verses
Veronica and the Birthday Present
Donkey Donkey
The Old Bullfrog
oh dear another one to add to the list. Petunia always brightens my day! THANKS!
i know... it is never ending! the worst part is, I've started to collect longer format books for the boy, and that has opened up a whole new world. stuart little and cricket in times square are just the beginning! my head is spinning.
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