And so the holiday officially begins... To kick it off in style, the
Great Monday Give for this week is an excellent hardcover, like-newish copy of one of my son's faves,
A House is a House for Me by Mary Ann Hoberman. Great book. Great story. Great illustrations. All you have to do to be entered to win is comment on this post before midnight ~ Sunday, December 7. The winner will be announced the following day.
Last week's give of
The Story About Ping was selected using the highly scientific and accurate blond scroll and point method and will be taken home by
Elena. Congrats!
I'd love to win, but I've cursed myself by being the first commenter, haven't I?
I can't get enough of your blog- thank you so much for sharing all of this with us!
Wow, thank you! I've never won anything on a blog before! What now?
duh! e-mail me at webe(at)soon(dot)com
This one looks great--thanks for the chance to win a copy!
Looks like a busy and fun one... Thanks...
I would love this book!! Thanks!
Looks like a great one!
I've never read it, but it sounds great!
This title sounds so familiar...
Thanks for a chance to win another book to add to our collection.
My house needs one of these. So fun to read. Such a classic.
Ooh, that sounds so familiar, but I know it's not in our current collection...
mary ann hoberman . . . yay! her book 'the seven silly eaters' is one of our all-time faves.
thanks! :)
Pretty, pretty please?
High praise if it's one of your home's favourites - adding my name to the draw!
Would love to add this to our collection. Thank you for bringing back these special childhood memories and helping to create many more!
I would love to win a copy of this book for my new neice. Thanks!! LOVE THE BLOG :)
Hi there, I found your blog through your etsy shop and I think what your doing is so great! I think vintage books are so much better. Thanks for the chance,
my daughter LOVES books!
Looks like an interesting one to read to my 3 year old...thanks for showing me books I've never seen.
I just discovered your blog and have a feeling I'll be checking in regularly: what a great way to share your passion with others. Keep up the collecting/reviewing/giving!
I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for bringing out all these great books!
hello! i stumbled upon your blog - i also relish in children's books & love vintage ones the most! would love to win :)
I found your blog through your etsy shop, which I found through dooce. HOUSE IS A HOUSE..., with its riddling rhymes, is exactly the kind of book my 3-year-old's into now, the kind to which he would later say, "Mommy, who lives in a teapot?"
if he'd read the book, he would know that a teapot is a home for some tea!
Wow, this is the kind of place I dream about! All about books. Lovely books. Children's books. Old books. Books overflowing the house, and still more wanting to get in. Books that one has to get rid of in interest of marital accord - sigh. Got here from your etsy shop (pointed by dooce) - and I am DELIGHTED to be here! Who knows I might even be inspired to resume writing daily on mine as well! (I write about websites for children - the ones I have used for my kid!) Thank you!
Hi scribbler! I just found your blog through Etsy and I have loved reading your entries! What you're doing is so wonderful, thanks!! :) xx
Just found your blog like many others on here through dooce. We are a book loving family and this will now be one of my regularly visited sites! Thanks, I can't wait to read more!
More and more books to get and read!!! It is driving my husband nuts :)
What a wonderful idea for a blog! Love it, keep 'em coming! :)
I hate buying my son "new" copies of books I used to love - the illustrations are all wrong and the covers aren't dinged up from years of being on library shelves. Yay for vintage books!
Oh this looks like one of my childhood favorites that I still have. I used to read it to my little sister and brother and remember those times fondly. That book was Never Talk To Strangers! Yummy illustrations and colors.
Thank you for what you do! I love to look through all of your suggestions when I have spare time.
Oh, I've found my own little piece of heaven here: free vintage books for children. Yummtastic.
Love it, all of it!
I enjoy your posts. I read collect vintage books and your posts help me know what ones to look for. Thank you.
I'd love it--thanks for writing a cool blog!
followed you from dooce. simply wonderful stuff here...count me as a new regular
Would love to have this for my granddaughter. Nice blog!
Would love to win!
Just found your blog thanks to dooce - what a nifty site!
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