Scat! Scat! ~ Sally Francis ~ Linda K. Powell ~ Platt & Munk, 1977
Probably best remembered for the 1940 edition featuring illustrations by Elizabeth E. Collison, this 70s version of the classic tale Scat! Scat! was the one I grew up loving. The last time I was back at my mom's house in Virginia, I found it lovingly tucked on her bookshelf, and I untucked it right into my suitcase. Something about the cat's soulful eyes filled me with such pity and longing for this lovely feline. If I'd come across a stray as handsome as this, I'd have snatched her up in a minute. Thus begins the tale of the snow white cat that nobody wanted...

Once upon a time there was a little white cat who had no home. One day she went walking down the street crying, "Meow." By and by she came upon an old woman sweeping the sidewalk. "Meow," said the little white cat. But when the old woman saw the cat, she said, "Scat! Scat! Go away little cat." The old woman took her broom and swept the cat into the street.

So heartbreaking when she picks herself up and walks away only to be hosed down by a grumpy old man, chased by a semi-rabid dog, and shunned by a housewife.