All you have to do to be entered to win is comment on this post between now and July 8, Sunday at 11:59 CT PM. A winner will be selected at random and announced the next morning.
And now for the winner of last week's give of a copy of There's a Nightmare in My Closet, please send warm congrats to Danzel... Congrats and send me your mailing info to webe(at)soon(dot)com.
That's all for now, kids!
Read along on Instagram, Facebook, tumblr, Twitter and Etsy.
Mystery stash of kid's books? Yes please :D
I would love to win!
nancy in alaska
love it- pick me!
This sounds great!
Sounds awesome!!! I love my children's book collection, and wouldn't mind a few more... :) Pick me!
Grab bag summer reading... We would love it!
Yea! I love your blog. I used to run the children's section in a bookstore and there's nothing more satisfying than sending someone away with a really good picture book.
Vintage books! What an incredible gift : )
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Hope there's a copy of Ivan, Divan, and Zariman in there :)Fingers crossed!
Hope there is a copy of Ivan, Divan, and Zariman in there :) Fingers crossed!
Hope there is a copy of Ivan, Divan, and Zariman in there :) Fingers crossed!
Hope there is a copy of Ivan, Divan, and Zariman in there :) Fingers crossed!
Fingers crossed!
Fingers crossed!
Who could resist the opportunity-count me in please.
Adding my name to the drawing, too :-) Thanks for your generosity...
yes please! :)
I'm in...thanks again for your generous giveaways!
Thanks for doing these--what a wonderful way to clean out your shelves!
Aw, how can I not enter this one? Thanks so much for your posts...and giveaways, too! :)
Jonathan's mom
What a wonderful way to share titles you love - I promise to give them a good home:)
Would love some awesome, previously-loved vintage books! Please. And thank you very much!
What a great way to share titles you love - I promise them a good home!
I love your taste in books, so I'm sure the mystery books will be fantastic.
If Canadians can win too, please put my name in!!
I'm always up for a mystery grab bag of literature goodness! Thanks!
Mmm... love a mystery stash of books!
I would <3 some more vintage kids books~! (as if I do not have too many already)
This sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks!
What a fun giveaway!
This would be great to win for my boys!
pick me :)
great photo!
great photo!
oh... i'd love these for my classroom!
Sounds fun--thanks!
Wicked cool!
Throwing my hat in, crossing my fingers, twirling an imaginary mousache
this is the greatest website I've found in a long long time! love it!
I would love to be entered to win - anything YOU like would surely be enjoyed in MY library. :)
Thank you for the great giveaway: fingers crossed!
I hope, I hope, I hope it's me!!!
Count me in, please!
Grab bags are so exciting! I hope I win :)
yeeeeeeeees, I'm in!
Happy Fourth of July! I just love your blog!
Happy Fourth of July! I love your blog!
This sounds awesome!
Hi!, it's a wonderful giveaway, summer is here for reading!
Ooooh, what an offer. Here's hoping!
I would like to enter, thanks!
cool giveaway~
I'd love to win too!!
I'd love to WIN!
oh wow, 10 vintage books? you are too kind! thanks for the opportunity!
Woohoo! Sounds great to me!
Fingers and toes crossed
Emma x
qotfu 72 (at) yahoo dot com dot au
Will there be any Tomie De Paola in your grab bag ??
Who can resist a mystery grab bag of vintage kids' books? Not me, that's for sure!
I would love to be entered. Thanks!
Thanks, we would love to add some more books to our collection!
Thanks for giving away some of your books. It would be awesome to win and add some to my small collection of books. Fingers crossed, hope to win!
So very generous of you. Thanks!
So very generous of you, thanks!
Would love to win. I am always looking for books to add to my Little Free Library!
I'm #2 in Boulder, CO
Yay grab bag! Hope we win!
Thanks for the opportunity and the inspiration!
I love the element of mystery! Please enter me into the drawing!
We'd love to win. Thanks for the chance!
what a generous prize! thanks for the opportunity!
Oooo..waves hand wildly in air...pick me! pick me! We can always use some more books:)
BTW, have you ever checked out kids book author/illustrator Dahlov Ipcar? She was born in 1917, and created some fantastically amazing kids illustrations (lots of colors, patterns and hidden things to find, truly glorious) all while running a organic, self sufficient type farm in Maine with her husband and sons. Truly a pioneering woman, and she is still alive and painting:)Deep Sea Farm, Calico Jungle, One Horse Farm and Lobsterman are our family favs, but pretty much anything by her is pure eye candy.
So very generous! I hope I win!
Throwing my hat in the ring
love your blog and passion for children's books thanks grace
cool! the winner will be so lucky!!
Trop nulle en anglais, il me faut un traducteur pour comprendre que vous voulez offrir un livre... Je ne concoure pas, je suis trop loin ! Mais j'aime beaucoup parcourir votre site et toutes ces anciennes illustrations, ces couvertures, j'y pioche des idées pour le boulot. Merci
Seven from Paris, France
Yay! Another awesome giveaway. Please count me in.
Love the site and would love to win! Thanks for the awesome giveaway opportunities.
What a fun giveaway! We love books around here!
Oh man, the person before me commented in another language! I'm not gonna get any bonus entries for coolness after that :) Well here's to hoping I win for being uncool. Btw, just picked up a second hand copy of the Voyage of Jackie Grace-- fantastic! Thanks for sharing about it!
Well, over EIGHTY comments! That is awesome! Here is my comment.
I can hope and pray.
love your blog! I'm a huge fan of children's books of all kinds. today I've been looking at old, old ones on the internet archive (excellent to see Kay Nielsen illustrations in context)
love your blog! I'm a huge fan of children's books of all kinds. today I've been looking at old, old ones on the internet archive (excellent to see Kay Nielsen illustrations in context)
wow, glad i found this blog. i am looking for so many books i grew up with, well, i hated reading when growing up as i am learning disabled but a few really touched me..:)
I love the books you post. Many of them are ones that I read as a child. It is fun to share them with my two boys.
This would be a lot of fun to win.
I love your mystery grab bags.
I'm in! Now that we have a new baby girl, I actually have someone to read books too!
I think I am posting in the nick of time! Please enter me. Thank you very much!
So in love with your blog! A mystery grab bag sounds delightful!
I would love this!
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