Probably the question I get asked most on this blog is...
"Know any vintage children's books about cars, truck, trains and the like?"
Seeing as I live in a house with a child who has almost no interest in the subject, it stinks to always have to recommend the same books over and over again. Seriously, how many times can I expect Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks and Things That Go to single-handedly make me look like I know what I'm talking about?
Now, I have a new go-to book that even my animal-loving, almost-grade schooler enjoys. And, it's an over-sized Golden Book, even better!

People have always had clever ways to carry things. But there's no doubt about it -- the wheel has made life alot easier. Moving heavy objects was a problem right from the start. People struggled along with their loads as best they could, until a little over 5,000 years ago, when the wheel was invented.

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Another one that is enjoyed in our house is Huck Scarry's (Richard Scarry's son) On Wheels. It starts in caveman times with the invention of the wheel and moves forward through time with various wheeled vehicles.
this book looks amazing. i love the big golden books. my boys love that richard scarry book on cars, though. it's a safe go to for sure. xoxo
Where do you find all these books? I kinda want to eat them I love them so much!
This is AWESOME!! My info loving daughter adores non-fiction and is into topics that I never would have glanced at when I was little. She would love this!
I seriously heart "The Giant Nursery Book of Things That Go" by George J. Zaffo. (1959) It seems most of his books are vehicle-related. Perfect for boys!
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