Ed Emberley ~ Little Brown, 1961
Ed Emberley has taught thousands of children how to draw over the years, including my high school boyfriend who painted this dragon on a rock for me on my 16th birthday. (Romantic, no?) And let's not the Drummer Hoff who fired it off. But in this, his first book, he takes kids on the journey of shapes, finding them in all sorts of random places, that in sum make up the whole, wide world.

The wing on a flea,
And the beak on a bird,
If you'll just look and see.
A triangle is
A finny fish-tail
An ice-cream cone,
A harpoon for a whale,
A bandit's bandanna,
An admiral's hat
And, in case you
don't know it,
The nose on a cat.

According to the Wiki "Nearly 22,000 new items published in the U.S. arrive every business day at the Library. Contrary to popular belief, however, the Library does not retain all of these works in its permanent collection, although it does add an average of 10,000 items per day. Rejected items are used in trades with other libraries around the world, distributed to federal agencies, or donated to schools, communities, and other organizations within the United States." Wow... I wonder who the folks are that weed out the stinkers?
(Dust-jacket image from here.)

Klippity Klop
Story of Paul Bunyan
That binding illustration is awesome. I'm a little jealous.
I just discovered your blog. What a gift. I too collect old children's books, esp. ones w/ color plates but lots of others too - garage sales, library sales, etc. I love the old illustrations and finding books from my childhood too that I can share w/ my boys. Thanks so much for sharing yours. You have a ton of my favorites plus ones I've never seen. Felt great nostalgic stirrings at Fletcher and Old Black Witch.
Great illustrations!
Hi there, thanks for introducing me to Eveline Ness' Pavo and the Princess as well as Ed Emberley's work and Art Seiden's, I love the limited colour palettes and line quality that they use, very inspiring. Good drawing is so good to see.
Keep up the good blogging,
All the best,
Caroline Thomson
Have you seen this?!?
I love the colors, the illustrations, everything... Ed Emberley is wonderful!
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