Feeling fabulous this morning, so I'm going to use this Great Monday Give as the big Halloween give by running it for two weeks instead of one and by sharing a special I duplicate I found a while back. The Dwindling Party Pop-Up by Edward Gorey. It's in fabulous condition with only one popup unhinged, but I'm going to try a wee bit of glue tonight and see if I can get it working again, so by next week it might be in a near perfect state. A 99 cent find that's worth way more and now I'm passing it on to you! All you have to do to be entered to win is comment on this post between now and October 24, Sunday at 11:59 PM. A winner will be selected the next morning and announced post haste. Do not miss this one kids!
The winner of last week's Gus Was A Friendly Ghost give is wmmahaney. Send me your info to webe(at)soon(dot)com and I'll hook you up in the next week or so. Have a great one guys and do be sure and check out my new tumblr site!
Read along on Facebook, tumblr, Twitter and Etsy!
Totally love your blog! I'm a vintage kids book fiend! I'm slowly building up a good collection, here are a few to share with you / your readers: http://www.thisgirllel.com/2010/01/botternikes-and-other-lost-things.html
And new finds just this weekend:
Enjoy and I hope I win the pop-up book :)
Ms Lel x
Huge Gorey fan here! Pick me :-)
Splendid! Gorey is a world of fun.
Ooh, Gorey! Count me in!
What a find! I've loved Edward Gorey since the mid-70s when I got "Treehorn is Shrinking" out of the library over and over and over again.
Okay, unlike the other commenters, I've never hears of Gorey...sounds like I'm in for something special!
Love this. My son has been a Gorey fan as long as I can remember. He actually "got" Gorey when he was about ten and shared his enthusiasm with his teachers. (He's 25 now.)
One of my favorite books! I'd love to have my very own copy. :)
A pop-up, be still my heart!
We love Gorey, and pop-ups too. Thanks!
Oooh, I'd love a Gorey pop-up book.
What an interesting-looking book. I am not familiar with it, and would love to be able to share it with my Lambies.
Hist, whist, little ghostlings. Edward gorey and pop-up : four great words that go great together.
Please, please, please, pick me.
I am working on encouraging my daughter to be a Gorey fan like mama. This would be wonderful to add to our collection!
Wow! I've been wanting that one for a while. I've loved Gorey since I was a kid but never found the pop-ups.
Have never read any Gorey!
This book looks wonderful, and pop-ups are always great hits at our house.
I'm a big Gorey fan, and my nine-year-old daughter has shown interest in creating her own pop-ups, so this book would surely thrill both of us.
A Gorey pop-up? Amazing!
This has been on my list of books to find since I saw your post about it. We haven't tracked down a copy yet, and would be delighted to win it.
wow wow and wow again! i luuuuuurve gorey!!!!!
I was so excited when I saw this post, I didn't know there was a children's book with Gorey's illustrations.
My 5-year-old stops still, captivated by the Mystery! opening sequence -- the original, still captured on my now fading VCR tapes! :)
I'd love this one!
Pop-up Gorey goodness sounds wonderful!
oh my gosh! i love love love edward gorey!!! i would treasure that book!
Who can resist a Gorey book? and with pop ups too? Please enter me if you are taking Canadian entries.
nicolama at cogeco dot ca
I can't believe you're giving this one away... I'd be incredibly happy to win :)
I didn't know he'd done a pop-up!
I didn't know Edward Gorey had a pop-up book! visualizing it coming to me in my mailbox!
I love the looks of that cover! I think I would want to frame it or something, lol. Thanks for offering the giveaway - so nice!
A pop-up by Edward Gorey! I am all for that! Please count me in again this week. Fingers crossed that you'll pick me because I adore Edward Gorey like I adore peanut butter! And pop-ups, I just melt for pop-ups!
(Please excuse the excessive use of exclamation points, I just can't help it!)
WOW! I just googled this one and it looks awesome! Good luck everyone :)
I enjoy Gorey's style and have been looking for his work to share with my son. Thanks for the great give!
What a coincidence! Just a few days I called my wife in so we could watch the Mystery! opening sequence on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4502MXkb-Dc).
I really like your blog, and I've read every entry so far.
Oh wow! This looks and sounds to be wonderful. Count me in!
Ooh, we love cool pop-up books. This one looks so neat!
I live and die for Edward Gorey. Thanks so much for sharing.
What a fantastic relic! Priceless and appropriately creepy for this time of year. I'm a Gorey fan and the book would be truly loved here.
This looks like a keeper! Please enter me!
I just looked at this book at Pegasus in Oakland, CA. It is so so fun! I recently found your blog and just love it. When I saw your post on Peter Spier's Christmas, I knew I'd found a good blog. Thanks for putting on this contest!
That book looks seriously cool. I love Gorey, and adding pop-ups? Neat.
Edward Gorey and a Pop-up in one book. I am amazed by the gems you always manage to uncover. My little one loves Halloween and all things spooky. By the way, I think your little "Phoenix" has an amazing costume.
Wow - what a great find! I mean both the Gorey and my finding your website.
Gorey and pop-up? What could be better?! Thanks!
What an awesome give-away - how kind of you.
Here's hoping.
auntie shirl says YESSSS!
Gorey AND pop-up. What more can I say?
I know this one in non popup format. Way cool!
Oh.....mannnn Count me in!
Love your blog! ...and I'd love this book!
Gorey's Rumpelstiltskin is my favorite version of the tale. Love to pick up the pop-up book.
Oooo...this book looks so cool!
Oooo...this book looks so cool!
Love Gorey and I'd love this!
Oh my goodness, I love Edward Gorey. Your site sent me crazy this weekend at the booksale we go to every year. Kids books are free on the last day so I got about 40 treasures to go through with my son!
I am very curious to discover this one.
i want to win this! gorey covers of john bellairs books were my #1 favorite in elementary school, and now i am picking up all the joan aiken books with gorey covers too. <3
oooh I was just planning a trip to go to his museum! this would be wonderful. I really enjoy your blog!
ooh I was just planning a trip to his museum. This would be wonderful to have. I truly enjoy your blog!
I love Gorey! I am new to the blog but am already a big fan. It would be great to win!
Gorey is definitely a favorite. It is so kind of you to offer this book as a 'give away'. One can never have enough children's books!
Love your blog and all of the great books! Edward Gorey is one of my favorites!!! I'd love to share with my kindergarten class!
I'm entering!
What a fantastic blog you have! And thanks for sharing this amazing storybook. Would love to share with the kids at the school where I work. Have a great week!
Edward Gorey I LOVE!! This book appears to be delightful and would add to my collection.
I so enjoy reading your blog and then attempting to find the books that attract me.
Thank you for sharing.
Oh dear, a Gorey! One of my artstic heroes indeed, enter me in!
Can't pass this up!
Would be great to win this! We love all things Gorey at my house, although TreeHorn has a particular place in my heart!
Big Gorey fan - would love to win The Dwindling Party!
1st off, thanks for this great blog. Our whole family loves to read and my wife and I really enjoy finding old books to read to the kids.
Never read a Gorey, but will look for some.
thanks again.
In a meme a few years ago, I got "S is for Susan who Perished of Fits," which was so appropriate. I don't know whether I'd have more of a fit if I won this awesome book or if I didn't!
A perfect Halloween choice!
I hope whoever wins it gathers a group of kids on a dark night for a reading and scares the whiskers off 'em.
Gorey and Halloween go together like...peanut butter and chocolate! I hope I win!.
Great Book! Of course we've all loved Gorey since we were little kids. I use the page-a-day calendars to create halloween cards for my classes. Kids like to see those Gorey children doing dastardly things. Good luck to everyone!
Oh, I'd love to win this one for my kids!
Go Neville! What a frightfully wonderful giveaway.
yes, please!
Oh my goodness, Edward Gorey is my favorite. Thanks!
Gorey was a wonderful fellow! I had the pleasure of visiting his museum/former home on Cape Cod this summer. My children, ages 7 and 4 are also now Gorey fans! Hopefully, his works will be loved by many other future generations as well. Thanks for sharing all the info in your wonderful blog!
Gory is great! You're blog is greatest!!
My daughter is a life-long Gory fan and I'd love to win this for her. Thank you for this great offer. I have my fingers crossed!
Great Gorey and Vintage book fan! Great blog!
I adore Edward Gorey. Please count me in - thanks! Your blog is fantastic. I'm so glad I discovered you.
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