Remy Charlip ~ Parents' Magazine Press, 1969
Only in our possession a few days, and already it's risen to the ranks of one of my all time favorites. My son gets wildly tickled by the word plays and the line and ink drawings, and the innocence and sweetness of the whole affair takes my breath away. Subtitled "A Collection of Connections, Endless Tales, Reiterations and Other Echolalia", there should be more and more and more books in the world as dear and thoughtful and silly as this one. Remy Charlip never ceases to astound me.

What good luck! What bad luck!
Mother Mother I Feel Sick Send For the Doctor Quick Quick Quick
The Dead Dird
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I really like this blog, I have been re-creating my chilhood library for a while now; pretty hard since I don't remember titles, just cover art. Your blog, and esty site have really helped! Thank you, Frances
I love Remy Charlip's work. Thank you.
You can't go wrong with Remy Charlip. I checked out Arm in Arm every time I went to the library as a child. When they purged the book from their collection, I bought it from them. I really don't know how many times I've read the book. It's probably hundreds of times.
Other favorites from the author: Fortunately and Why I Will Never Ever Ever Ever Have Enough Time to Read This Book.
Awesome Book.... such cuteness! Off to scrounge for a copy thanx for sharing :)
Such a great book - had I not found my copy from my childhood just recently I would have gasped when I saw your post. I'm happily hoarding my first edition. I've read it hundreds of time times. ;)
And I also recommend Fortunately.
Do not have Why I Will Never Ever Ever Ever Have Enough Time to Read This Book.... Googling now!
Yay! My very favorite book when I was little. I was so excited to find it at the thrift for my kids.
BIZZZARRRRE! We just found this one this week at a Library book sale.... after never seeing it before.
In the 70s a theatre group came to my grade school in St. Louis and performed a musical version. I woke up singing the songs this morning, then found this post. Gonna buy for my niece!
This is my favorite childhood book..my grandma used to read it to me and I loved it.
My all time fav book. my mom kept it safe for me and I am just hoping to get it to give to my son. Any one know the ISBN number of the book?
The 1980s reissue has the following ISBNs: 0590077589 9780590077583
This book was my very favorite book when I was a child. I read it over and over. :) I loved the play on words, It was hilarious to me.
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