And what will be in this box of magical book fun? Well, that part is a surprise, but know that it will have at least 10 books in it and they will all be super cool. To be entered to win, all you have to do is comment on this post before midnight, Friday the 18th. Also, every person who follows my Twitter or joins me on Facebook between now and then will be entered into a special one book mystery drawing. Both winners will be announced on Saturday! If the winners send me their info over the weekend, I'll try and get the books out as fast as humanly possible so you can add them under the tree if you want. (No guarantees though!) So be sure and check back on Saturday to see if you've won.
I also wanna say, sometimes a winner never contacts me about a win. Now, I love giving the GMG to everyday readers, so just know I do not go hunting people down if they've won something and don't contact me. If you don't e-mail me... you won't get the book, yes?
As for last week's give of The Snowy Day... Dee is the big winner! Let's all congratulate her. Please send me your mailing info to: webe(at)soon(dot)com.
I will be taking a week and a half off starting on Christmas Eve. You may hear from me, you may not, but know that I'll be back for sure with a new Great Monday Give on January 5. In the meantime, be expecting a ton of great picks between now and next Thursday. Bye!
I hope you and yours have a great holiday. Throw my name in the hat if you would. Thanks
...and congratulations to Dee.
Ooooo, I can't resist a suprise grab box!
*Crossing fingers!
Ooh...what a great giveaway! A surprise from you would be a gift indeed. Merry Christmas!
How fun!
What an exciting giveaway--please count us in!
A box of surprises sounds delightful!
This would be great, especially now that Roo is reading by herself... to a certain extent!
I can never resist a box of books!
A box of books sounds like the perfect Christmas gift. :)
gooooooo dee!
this is too good to pass up. seriously.
This sounds fabulous!
This sounds amazing!
Count me in!
Your blog is already a gift, but count with me for the give away!
Well, huh. It's hard to resist a free box of books, so please enter me in this one! Happy holidays (and happy book hunting).
Why not. I love a grab box.
AWESOME give! I have to be entered into this one! I already follow your twitter, but I should add you on Facebook! Thanks for the great reviews and book information! Your work is GREATLY appreciated!
A great giveaway!
Would love to win, of course!
Gotta love a box of books!
sounds like fun
This is the best giveaway yet! I just love it.
just found your blog & I love it!
Me please! Your biggest fan....
You sure know how to do giveaways! Merry Christmas!
Have a wonderful holiday and please pick me!
Merry Christmas to a fellow vintage book scavenger. Thanks..fingers crossed.
we would love a chance at this! merry christmas!
What a fantastic giveaway! Hope we win!
If books are in a box, and the box is sealed, are the books alive or dead? Can we ever know?
Big brown box of books with bow said / Big brown box of books to be read / Catch some books from box with hooks and / Read said books read bow that looks fun.
Grab boxes are my favorite! Hoping I'm lucky this time!
I would love to win this for my little readers. Thanks for the holiday cheer!
Thanks Scribbler and thanks everyone for the congrats. This has turned out to be a great day. First I actually found a book that was reviewed here. Found in a thrift shop, "The Man Who Never Washed Dishes" for 69cents. Then I find out I'm a winner! This is the start of a wonderful collection. I'm excited. Happy Holidays to all! And whoever wins the Grab box please share the names of the books from Her private collection. Thanks again, Dee
Add my name in to the mix!
Great idea! I love surprises. Thank you! - Kim
I love surprises!
msanchezmasi (at) fmtcs (dot) com
dee... send me your info! webe(at)soon(dot)com.
What a wonderful giveaway! I absolutely love your book reviews and would love to win some books.
This is my first time entering a Great Monday Give. So glad to learn about it! I'd love to win these books for my kiddos.
Oh my, what a treasure for one lucky person! I wish, I wish dear Scribbler Santa would pick me!
I would love some books for my son even better handpicked by you.
Also, I joined up your fan group on the facebook :)
What an exciting giveaway!
I can't wait to read what was put in the box.
A surprise box of books?! Can't think of anything more fun. Happy Holidays!
I love surprises!
I would say this is a Wonderfull Box! Thanks for sharing these precious books with your readers. I will keep my figers crossed.
Merry Christmas!
Just found your site yesterday - I'm hooked! Have started collecting vintage books for baby#1 due in 6 weeks - a grab box would be a great addition! Thanks for the reviews :)
Wow! What a Great Monday Give...winning a grab box would be like getting big Santa gift for everyone. Love reading about your finds each and every day.
I hope I win!!!!
I recently found your awesome blog and thanks to you I found some great books that I had long forgotten. I hope I win these for my son because reading together is time I cherish with him. Happy Holidays!
Wow! Thanks for the chance!
Can Canadians sign up too? If so please add my name to the hat too please! This sounds fabulous!!
A surprise box of vintage children's books?! I can't think of a better holiday gift for myself, I mean, my daughter. It would be for my daughter, of course. :)
Wow! What a wonderful give. Thank you for the opportunity!
a box of books handpicked by you = great big smile on our faces
bonnie & maiken
This would be awesome! Enter me, please. Thanks!!
Pick me please! :D I enjoy your blog so much. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I love this holiday cheer!
I would love to win these books! Thank you for the giveaway!
I follow on Twitter-CarolAnnM
Congrats, Dee, and Happy Holidays to everyone!
Exciting - a whole box of books - Yippee! Could I be so lucky.......
Oooh, a magical box of 10 books! Thanks for your fun and informative blog.
Merry Christmas! I'm asking Santa for some vintage kids' books, but some from you would be nice too!
This is the most enticing giveaway ever in the history of magical surprise grab box giveaways! :)
onlycancan ta hotmail tod com
Oh, this is fun!! Please feel free to pick me!!! I would LOVE to add some more books to our collection. Oh, please, please be me this time.
i just discovered your blog last week and i love it! i get so inspired when i look at vintage children's book, well, vintage anything really :-)
Exciting! Thank you and Merry Christmas!!
What an exciting giveaway. Thanks for the chance to enter and for your book reviews more generally. We recently read and enjoyed Emmett Otter's Jug-Band Christmas, at your recommendation. We're hoping to read some additional holiday titles you've mentioned before Christmas arrives.
I so love your blog and wish it had a search feature. You have created an amazing resource here!
What an awesome giveaway! We'd love to add to our library...
We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings: http://winningreadings.blogspot.com/2009/12/kids-books.html
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
What a great giveaway! I love surprises!
Oooh. Please throw my name in the pot too! I love your posts!
I hope Santa is good to you and yours this year. Merry Christmas!
Sounds like a fantastic deal!
What a great giveaway. My daughter would love it (she's a bookworm too!)
I follow you on twitter (cln1812) & am a facebook fan (Cheryl Newman Bradley)
Please count me in! Happy Holidays! :)
Sarah Emmerson
This is a fun giveaway-I like surprises :)
Happy Holidays to you :)
Please enter me~Sounds like Fun! Thanks so much for the chance :-)
deb55106 at gmail dot com
How exciting, would love to win!
sounds great...I have grandchildren I would love to give these to. thanks...
Mary Lou
How cool..please enter me
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