The boy did get upset and weepy when KW swallowed Max to save him from Carol, and would not be consoled until Max was out again... and the scene with the two owls was a little horrifying. I personally really didn't like the overall sense of dread in the film, where at any moment the wild things could've eaten Max up. If I wasn't a mother, I would've adored this film even more, but the one-two punch of fearing for sweet little Max and worrying that my own son was OK was too much for me. Let's just say, this wasn't a movie for small children despite what the coloring book tie-in might lead you to believe. Eight to 10 years of age is fine I think, but for the little guys, not so much.
That said, I have a wonderful hard copy of Where the Wild Things Are to give away this weekend, just for fun. It is in great condition except for a sweet Merry Christmas inscription from 1998 in the front cover. To be entered to win this gently-loved classic, comment on this post between now and tomorrow night ~ Sunday at midnight. A winner will be selected at random and announced the next day along with the normal Great Monday Give.
Thanks for stopping by and do go see Where the Wild Things Are. It's truly heartfelt and stunning. Just leave the preschoolers at home. :)
POSTSCRIPT: I will say this... the boy has had nothing but warm fuzzies about the movie all day, remembering fun things the wild things said, and he danced like a wild man himself to the soundtrack before dinner and then asked to read the book twice.
POSTSCRIPT - POSTSCRIPT: When the boy woke this morning (Sunday), I asked him what his favorite part was and he said, "When Max got home to his Mommy." Well said.
I'm going to see it tonight. I get the feeling it's more for those of us that read the book as kids rather than current kids?
there is a great deal in there for children but more along the lines of something like the Dark Crystal or Happy Potter.... just for older. Not to say my son didn't like it on some level, but I think he would've rather seen UP again.
currently wearing my max outfit...makes me feel like queen of the world as i write this post...urging all to find your inner wild thing! karen
Loved the movie, great for adults on so many levels. What a great giveaway.
Here's to the adventures both great and small. That follow us or we find accidentally. I totally agree with the sense of dread that was present throughout most of the movie.
Happy Potter! That should be made into a new spoof movie.
I was wondering if this would be okay for my five year old... hubby thinks yes but I am not so sure. Now I think we'll wait.
I can't find our old, well-loved (read: spineless, taped-together) copy of WTWTA so this would be a good score!
thank you for your honest commentary about this film! I've been wondering if my little ones should see it, now I know!
What a great giveaway!
I'm really looking forward to seeing this one. The NY Times review made some really intriguing points (kinda mixed bag, and the comments were even more mixed).
One of my favorite books growing up. The art impresses me even more nowadays. Going to see an art exhibit in SOHO of Sendak's work tomorrow. So excited!
Thanks for the honest review. Was planning on taking my almost 5 year old tomorrow but now I think we will wait. She tends to be very emotional about movies. We haven't even had a chance to read the book together first which I know would be the best idea of all.
Thank you for the review and giveaway! "Where the Wild Things are" is my favorite childhood book and I can't wait to go watch the movie!!
Am I too late? I actually don't have a copy of this lovely tale...
Love this!!! xo
I rarely go out to see movies in theaters anymore, but I'm going to do all I can to see this one! (Please don't enter me in the giveaway as we already have a copy).
Thanks for the review. And the giveaway, natch, which I'd love to win, having lost my copy. And for the blog, more generally.
Seriously crossing my fingers on this giveaway! Would love a hardcover of this book as I've given my paperback out and don't know that I'll ever see it again! Glad you enjoyed the movie! What did the little man think when Douglas lost an arm?? Happy Sunday!
Not only am I excited to see the movie, I discovered (in expressing desire to see the movie) that my husband has NEVER read this book! How is that possible? No clue, but I plan to remedy it...soon...
I would love to win this book. I read this book to my sister many times when she was a child. I have read it many times to my son also. He really likes the story.
Thank you for reviewing this! My oldest turns five tomorrow and I have been wondering about whether this is something he can deal with and enjoy. I am very sensitive about scary parts of movies and I'm thinking we'll need to preview this alone before introducing it to the kiddos. I really appreciate your notes!
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