OK. I'm breaking the rules... today's Great Monday Give isn't 20 years old, so technically it's not considered a "vintage" book yet, but seeing as we love Tomi around here and most of his books are vintage, I thought it would be OK just this once. To win a copy of his '98 book
Flix (where all laws of time and space are compromised and you can actually see a dog give birth to a cat), simply leave a comment on this post between now and August 22 at 11:59 PM, Sunday. A winner will be randomly selected and announced the next day.
The winner of
last week's little bit of holiday cheer,
Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas... is........
Elise Hooper. Simply e-mail your info to me at webe(at)soon(dot)com and I'll get it out ASAP. Have a great week kids! (Kindergarten T minus 15 days and 1 hour and counting!)
this one looks like a lot of fun and I'm a huge Ungerer fan. Nice choice :)
Love Ungerer, have never seen this volume... of course, I hope to win!
A dog giving birth to a cat? I don't know how I ever missed this one!
I saw an old copy of his book "Rufus" at a charity shop a while ago but didn't get it since it was just way too dog-eared. I went back again a few days later after a change of standards, but then changed my mind again. Flix however looks like a good one! Count me in!
ps Your blog is great!
Wow! My kids would have a blast seeing a dog give birth to a cat. Seeing this will no doubt elicit a lot of questions which will make dinner time very interesting. :)
Congrats to the winner. Speaking of which, I picked you as one of my faves on the blog this week. Hope others take the time to stop by!
If I brush white paint over all the comments on the screen except this one, could I possibly create the illusion mine is the only post?
Sounds like a great book... I will look for it at the library at the least!
(Don't enter me in the contest) but I just wanted to say Hooray! Thanks so much for the book- we can't wait to add it to our Christmas box!
(Hopefully you got the email with my info- I'm always nervous when I have to type it in myself- I'm a little ditzy!)
Thanks again- this looks like another winner!
My daughter loves any kind of dog books so she'd probably get a kick out of this, thanks for the chance!
would love to have something to read to beansy during our quiet tuesdays!!!
My boys would love this!
I'm in! Thanks for posting this up a little longer. My weeks been crazy. This book sounds awesome.
Oops. I forgot to enter. Loopy week for us too. Enter me! Love Ungerer!!
We also love Ungerer but don't know this title. Looks intriguing. Thanks!
Ah well, I was getting discouraged, so didn't enter... kidding. Too busy here too!
Thank goodness for extensions. Put me in, too!
Wow! what an amazing giveaway! did I miss the drawing? If not, please toss my name into the hat.
me too, please.
I have been building up tomi ungerer in my collection ever since I started reading your blog. This one sounds fantabulous!
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