Irma Joyce ~ George Buckett
Golden Press, 1971
Another found in my mother's attic, I'm loving these Big Golden Books. It seems like my sisters and I had a million of them. The memories that this one evokes are really intense. I remember I LOVED IT! My son is pretty crazy about it too, which makes me really happy. My mom is probably gonna be pissed when I load all these titles up en masse and ensconce them into the back of my car, but too bad, too sad, my friend.

And up sneaks a camel with bony knees,
Remember this rule, if you please --
Never talk to strangers....
But... if your father introduces you
To a roly-poly kangaroo,
Say politely, "How do you do?"
That's not talking to strangers
Because your father knows him.

This is one of my favorites! The picutres are definitely the best part - I can still picture them. I'm going to have to go see if my mom still havs it. Thanks!
I know we are not blood related, so how did you inherit this love from me? have you read Little Black Sambo? it's my favorit.
love aunt Carm
I loved this book when I was a kid and I was lucky enough to find it recently at a charity store and now my daughters love it too. Little Black Sambo was one of my favourites too
dude... I am so all over sambo... googling now!
I actually got this book as a child and i still have it in great condition and then i went through my books and found my brothers i love this book it brings back so many memories...
This is my favorite childhood book. I still have the one with the originally Cover. 32 years later, I found a special kid, that I want to share this book with but the original cover is so much better, then the reissue.
Does anyone know how to get where to get the vintage one? R all pictures changed in the reissue or just the cover?
Great book - never ages - still relevant in today's tech world.
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