Albert J. Harris
and Mae Knight Clark
published 1965 by Macmillan
Of the Dick and Jane variety, this one is part of the Macmillan Reading Program, and I assume must have been a school book. My son has a D&J collection given to him by a friend and this one looks the same and reads the same, so it was obviously done in the style of basal but even more simplistic.
Mike (you see a picture of "Mike" holding a broken rope swing)
Mary (you see "Mary" rolling over a tire to where "Mike" is)
Jeff (you see "Jeff" tying the wheel onto the rope from Mike's broken swing)
Jeff and Mike and Mary (you see "Mike" getting pushed in the tire swing by "Jeff" while "Mary" stands by and watches)
Animals, cops and cowboys is enough to keep any kid entertained for a while, Even though there isn't a whole lot going on in the words, there is plenty occurring in the pictures to keep my little guy's mind occupied. He spends so much time just looking through books himself, sometimes the words aren't as import. I read a study that wordless books are "in" right now, so it's cool.
Mary, Mike and Jeff occupied the pages of our 1st grade reading books, around 1973, in Rochester, MN.
I learned to read with Mary, Mike and Jeff in 1st grade in 1967, in Medford, Massachusetts.
1973-1974 in McComb, MS. And, I was lucky enough as an education major later to obtain copies of the readers we used from our 1st grade teacher.
I remember those books when they had them in the 1st grade.Mike,Mary and Jeff.They had a dog named Bolo and also a Goat.I still have two of those books.
I remember these books very well.We read them in the first grade.Mike,Mary and Jeff and they had a dog named Bolo and a Goat.I still have two of those books.
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