Monday, January 19, 2009

Five Senses

Tasha Tudor's Five Senses
Tasha Tudor ~ Platt & Munk, 1978

Even though it's a glorious 70 degrees and sunny here in South Texas, I am seriously thinking I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. I am definitely in a funk that won't get unfunked... luckily there are characters like Sally in the world to make all the woes feel right again. You see...

Sally lives on a farm. As the seasons change from spring to summer, from fall to winter, she uses her five senses to enjoy things that happen there all year.Sweet, dear Sally sees the flowers in spring, tastes the candy cane in winter, smells the wild roses in summer and hears the call of the wild geese in the fall. This angel of a child looks and listens and smells and tastes and touches just about everything and always sees her cup half full... running over actually. I think I might tear my son from the Dr. Seuss he is pouring over at the moment and make him lie in the grass with me... allergies be damned!

Also by:
1 is One
A Time to Keep
Pumpkin Moonshine
First Graces
A Tale for Easter


  1. I love Tasha Tudor! Thanks for sharing The Five Senses--I've actually never seen it before.

  2. AH... LOVE love love Tasha Tudor!
    I literally just watched the documentary "Take Joy" the other day, and then borrowed and read "The Private life of....", AND want to go visit the museum this summer (maybe a garden walk??) when we go to visit relatives up North.
    What a great post! I don't know this one, and will certainly be searching it out...

  3. What an idea! I love how someone suddenly introduces a new way of looking at things, or of teaching how to look. The book you sent us (from last month's giveaway) has just arrived today, and wow, is it such a book too! And it is mint new, even smelling of new print. Where had it been all these years? Thank you, thank you for this wonderful gift. I wish I had thought of asking you to inscribe it before sending, but I didn't, so am marking it as a gift from you as I write... And oh, I will be blogging about this soon too :)
