Friday, April 27, 2012

Guest Post: Jennifer's Walk

Happy to welcome a guest post by reader, Jennifer Arrow, author of the blog Post-Apocalyptic Homeschool. And if you haven't already, check out the Limited Edition Vintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves T-shirts up for pre-sale!

Thanks again, Jennifer...

Jennifer's Walk
Anne Carriere ~ Arthur Getz ~ Golden Press, 1973

Jennifer's Walk is a treat that landed on my bookshelf in a completely serendipitious way.

While looking online for information about Norah Smaridge's The Big Tidy-Up -- which I had as a child, and which my mother always told me she'd gotten because I shared the name of the little girl in the story -- I stumbled across a reference to a coveted old Golden Press title called Jennifer's Walk.

Suffice to say, the used book gods were smiling that week, and I found Jennifer's Walk on the shelf the next time I visited the $1-a-Book Emporium. Kismet! The dustjacket was ravaged, but no matter, the inside was pristine. Ka-ching, I thought, I shall sell this on the interwebs for a meellion dollars!

Of course, then I made the mistake of reading it a few times with my son, and now we're going to have to keep it forever. The simple story of a girl's expedition across her farm's fields with her backpack, teddy bear and an apple for Arabelle the horse, Jennifer's Walk expresses a little girl's thrill at going out on her own to see the world.

One day, Jennifer wanted to take a walk through the fields all by herself. So her Mommy gave her an apple for Arabella the horse, said "Now Jennifer, try not to frighten the sheep," and kissed her goodbye. Jennifer took her teddy and set out.

It's exciting stuff, and maybe a little scary. Luckily, Teddy is there for her, and as Jennifer herself says about the distance between there and home, "We're far away, but not lost at all."

Jennifer's Walk was written by Anne Carriere, and illustrated by Arthur Getz, a prolific artist who is said to have painted more New Yorker covers than anyone else. The full flickr set is available to view, here.

Love that map end-page! So cool, Jennifer. Thanks for sharing... and remember guys, anyone is welcome to visit and tell a story about a book or two. ~ Burgin

Also by:
Hamilton Duck


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  1. Wonderful! Thanks for the great guest post.

  2. This was my absolute FAVORITE book as a kid. It is worth a few clams, not quite a million. My copy will also stay with me forever.

  3. This was my FAVORITE book as a kid. My copy will also be with me always. Worth a few clams, not quite a million. It is priceless to me though.

  4. I was delighted to see this. Arthur Getz taught a few painting classes in my mother's backyard (literally) in Bantam, CT. He used my horse,our backyard and fields for the illustrations in his book. I still have the signed copy he gave me.
