Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Roger Duvoisin ~ Grosset & Dunlap, 1940

That said, seems like I've been really focused on Flora and Duvoisin of late, but there are still so many to get through, so here goes. Duvoisin has the best themes for kids in that they almost always focus on someone being unhappy with who they are, only to discover in the end that everyone is special. For me, this is THE most important lesson in teaching my son. Love of self, or the lack thereof, is usually what holds people back in life, and making children feel confident early on is important. For as soon as they get out from under your wing, they are most gonna get knocked down by somebody else. Even at only three, I see this every time we go to the playground, at least one child who is out to make somebody feel less.

In Donkey-donkey's case, his friends aren't knocking him down really, but are simply trying to make him more like them.

One day he was drinking with Pat at the stream. He saw Pat's head and his own in the water. He thought Pat was so beautiful with his small ears, and he was so ridiculous with his long ones that he became very sad and would not eat anymore. Donkey-donkey at last went to see Hector. Hector was very clever. He knew all sorts of tricks. He could tell his right paw from his left paw, and so on. Surely his advice would be good.

"You poor donkey," said Hector.
"I know what's wrong with you. With your ears up like that, you resemble a sailboat. Keep your ears down as I do."

Duvoisin's drawings are so unique and recognizable, once you fall in love with him, you begin seeing him everywhere. And believe me, there's a ton to find, all still reasonably priced.

Also by:
Petunia, Beware!
The Rain Puddle
A Child's Garden of Verses
Veronica and the Birthday Present
White Snow Bright Snow
Petunia's Christmas
The Old Bullfrog


  1. I just found your blog and LOVE it (there was a link on "the tip spot." My mom has an almost complete collection of Margaret Wise Brown books and talk about vintage. Thanks for sharing your books.

  2. I just subscribed--I love vintage kid's books and have a bunch from my childhood that I will probably add to my blog eventually. Glad you're doing this--thanks!

  3. I just had a childhood memory moment. I remember the illustrations quite vividly. They are so fabulous.

  4. I'm adding this to my list of books to purchase :). My son has loved each book I've found from your blog. His favorite so far is "There's a Hippo in My Bath".

  5. there's a hippo in my bath is such a great book... a little hard to find, but I'm jazzed you scored a copy!

  6. I bought the reissue for my library. The illustrations are charming. I also love the language he uses. Great book.
