Thursday, June 25, 2009

Greetings from Boston

Make Way for Ducklings ~ Robert McCloskey ~ Viking, 1941


  1. Shouldn't there me more landmarks in honor of children's books?? I love "Make Way..."

  2. This is fantastic! We want to take this trip sometime too. "One Morning in Maine" was one of my mom's and my favorite books to read. I only recently discovered "Make Way".

  3. 30 minutes north, Rockport, home of Virginia Lee Burton for a time and good kids beach (small town w lobster/candy shops etc), or go to the Somerville Library right now and meet my wife and our 2 kids... HA! (tru grounds coffeee shop in somerville has the best blueberry muffins... )

  4. Love Boston Public Garden, agree there should be more landmarks in honour of children's books, and think Rockport is great too, I went from Boston to Rockport by train which was also a treat..

  5. There's a project for someone - to compile a list of landmarks of children's books authors' homes, haunts, original artwork...

  6. oh.... i'll have to see if we can swing by rockport on the way back down. thanks for the tip!
