Monday, November 10, 2008

You and Me

You and Me
Florence Parry Heide ~ Ted Smith ~ Concordia, 1975

Not sure what the cultural significance of You and Me is, but as I grew up in a good Episcopalian 70s home, you know we had the red dot and his friends hanging around. I rediscovered this book a few weeks back, and still find it to be enthralling. Using dots as people, we are introduced to the concept that everyone is a different individual, each with our own thoughts and feelings and ideas. I actually remember the exact moment when this epiphany hit me, so I know this sort of self discovery is important to a child. Otherwise, I think we'd all grown into little Jeffery Dahmers, but I digress.

Here I am.
(Now don't forget!
Every time you see the red dot in this book - that's me!)
If I want to go somewhere I can go up or down
or back and forth
or around.

Conceptually, the story is very intelligent, and links us all back to God in a way that is nondenominational, and the way I remember all religious things being when I was little before so many zealots started pulling us in lots of different directions. But again I digress. I believes the closing of the book says it all....

God made every single person
their own person
their own separate
different special selves.
Isn't that wonderful!

Isn't it?

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