Monday, June 16, 2008

Great Monday Give: Caps for Sale

Hey, hey, hey. Winning time is here again. The Great Monday Give for this week is an ex-library/ hard/ Reading Rainbow copy of Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina. Just comment on this post before midnight ~ Sunday, June 22, and you will be eligible to win this classic tale of monkeys and mayhem.

Last week's winner (in case you were tuning in to find out) is Naomi who has possibly the prettiest banner this side of Sunday. Congrats sista! Please e-mail me your info post-haste to, and I will rush out your prize ASAP via the slow boat to China.

I like to give books away because I'm like that. If I find an awesome classic for a song, I like to share the wealth rather than profit from it. So come back every Monday and comment, and soon you too could be the lucky winner of a used (but awesome) children's classic!


  1. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog! I have a serious weakness for vintage children's books. "Caps for Sale" is one I remember from my own nursery school days, so I'm salivating! I can picture the illustrations right now...

  2. I love this blog because I too love children's books, old and new. Reading Rainbow was a staple for me growing up!

  3. I remember this from my childhood bookshelf and I'm wondering what happened to it! This happens to me often now that my kids can read books printed on something other than cardboard. I want to read them all of the books I loved as a child, but alas - not all seem to have survived....

  4. Love it! We have a collection (small but growing) of vintage books too -- mostly about kitty cats. But now that my kiddies are getting older I need books with more challenging texts!

  5. I'd love to read this to my boys. We have a version of it on a CD, but this would be a great addition to our collection. Thank you!

  6. This is my almost-two-year-old sons's favorite book, and I just keep re-checking it out of the library. I would love to have our own copy!

  7. I just found this blog. How neat. I am a homeschooling mom who loves classic children's stories. I remember this book as a child. I look forward to reading your blog more.

  8. Love this book! I even wrote about you and this book on my blog. It was a great childhood classic for me. Even if I don't win I'll definitely be out looking for a copy.

  9. Yay for the great monday give!! I Love Caps for Sale

  10. Thanks for all the comments new guys (and old).... it is great to see all the other old kids' books lovers out there.

  11. Glorious giveaway. I still don't have this one in our family library, but it's an absolute MUST-HAVE.

  12. Just found your blog this week via...I can't remember. Sorry!
    But what an amazing resource. I am an illustrator and am always inspired by vintage books.

    Keep up the good work, and thanks!

  13. I just found your blog and it is wonderful. I love the vintage books! This book would be so much fun to read to my little guy.

  14. I just stumble upon your blog and love it. My son is 1-1/2 and we have started a collection of vintage books.

  15. I just found your site via Ohdeedoh -- it is fabulous. My twin girls will be a year old in a couple of weeks, and they're finally starting to enjoy good books (rather than try to eat them). Thanks for the great blog!

  16. I found your blog through AT Ohdeedoh and I'm so glad I did! There are some books here that I used to read as a kid that belonged to my parents and aunts and uncles. I'd love to find them again...but until then, I'd love to win this one! Thanks!

  17. This is the first book I ever remember my mom reading to me - it was her favorite when she was a little girl and naturally became and still is one of mine.

  18. Just found your blog~ you have stirred so many memories! Love "Caps for Sale" -- glad to find so many kindred spirits who are as sentimental as me!

  19. Just discovered this blog...looks good!

  20. oh my god. i remember this book. i loved it. it brings back so many good childhood memories!

  21. YEAH! One of my Favs,
    thanks for the great give-aways!

  22. What a fun book! I'd love to win it.

  23. I remember lots of make believe games surrounding this book - and am yet to introduce it to Rowan. Love your concept of weekly giveaways - great fun!
