Monday, June 9, 2008

Great Monday Give: Burt Dow Deep-Water Man

Yes, another week has escaped us, and it's time for the next Great Monday Give. As McCloskey has been the theme of late, I am offering up this used/ nice/ reading/ ex-library copy of Burt Dow Deep-Water Man. All you have to do to be entered to win is leave a comment on this post before midnight ~ Sunday, June 15. I will randomly select a winner and mail the book to you free-of-charge just because you are awesome.

As for last week's give, Springtree Road is the random winner of Chanticleer and the Fox. Congrats! Please e-mail me your mailing info at, and I will post the book out to you ASAP.

Stay tuned later in the day for a new review gang-of-twenty (another Richard Erdoes!), and thanks again for being you!


  1. I'm so excited to have just discovered your blog. I'll be back! And please count me in the drawing.

  2. ohohoh, how exciting. please add me to your drawing. caps for fun!

  3. Thanks for joining the fun all you new guys. And I really wanna give a shout out to Esme... if you are in the market for new children's titles... check out her reviews. They are choice...
