Monday, April 28, 2008

Great Monday Give

Good Monday everybody! This would ordinarily be the day I post a vintage kid's book to giveaway for the Great Monday Give, but alas... Come Friday I am headed to Mexico for a month, and shipping the books out would be a problem.... So, you'll have to wait until Monday, June 2 for the next Great Monday Give! However, I WILL be posting reviews while I'm there, so keep tuning in just for the love of it.

That said, the winner of last week's Give (a copy of the awesome count and see) is Melody! She had this to say....

So my 15-month-old is nowhere near counting, but someday soon...
Anyway, the 6-year-old still loves Tana Hoban's great photos.

Congrats Melody! Please get me your info ASAP so I can be sure to get it out before I leave. Just shoot me a note at

Thanks for reading guys!


  1. Have a GREAT trip, Scribbler! May I ask whereabouts in Mexico you are going (or where you went)? I was thinking of going to San Miguel de Allende this summer; I have never been to Mexico before.

  2. that's where we are going, of course! we'll be there all of may and I'm so psyched. We're leaving tonight. pant. pant. you can read my other blog for details over the month and if you end up going and need any tips let me know!
