Monday, March 17, 2008

Great Monday Give: The Gunniwolf

Because I am neurotic and can't say no to a good deal on a used children's book even if my son has multiple copies.... AND because I hate people who get kid's books cheap and then resale them for a bloated amount, I am going to start doing The Great Monday Give here on Vintage Kids' Books My Kid Loves, just for the hell of it. So on Mondays (could be every Monday... could be only when I have a copy of something to give), I am going to be giving away a reading copy of a book I have reviewed. These will be nice enough copies I have lying around or have found at book sales, but I just thought it would be fun to share children's books with other people who love children's books. I am only doing it because I think it will be a gas, and that said, the books and shipping will be absolutely free! So, to start, the first book I'll be giving away will be a used/library/hard copy of The Gunniwolf that I reviewed last week.

I will pick a winner at random from people who comment on this post between now and Sunday, March 23. Since, like, only 20 of you read this blog, it should be pretty fun and all in the family. Good luck!


  1. That is an excellent idea. I feel the same way when I find a great copy of a book we already have. I pile them up and hope for a gift giving occasion so I can pass them along to a deserving child. Oh, by the way, I found your blog through chickenfoot (I think) and have been reading for a couple of weeks.

  2. I've been reading for a couple weeks too, and I love your reviews. And giving away vintage children's books? I think you've just become my new favorite blog! :)

  3. I've been loving your blog for a few weeks now and would be more than happy to take a book off your hands. Thanks!

  4. I'll quibble with the count of 20, if it means I'm on the list. Seriously, are you counting people (like me) who read it through a reader and don't visit the blog directly? Except to comment.

  5. How fun! I just love reading your blog. I'm a 2nd grade teacher and a children's book collector so I get such a kick out of your blog!

  6. I found your blog through Emily's blog (two posts up) and I love it! I love seeing books that I had completely forgotten about and remembering having them read to me as a child. Makes me want to read to my kids all day long. Keep doing what you're doing!

  7. I have been reading your blog for about 3 weeks and I LOVE it (it helps I also love vintage children's books!). Thanks for the offer of a freebie!

  8. Thanks for all the kudos guys! Sometimes I feel like all my son and I do all day is read... seriously. And it's still not enough time to get them all in rotation. I am counting the days until he's reading to me so I can give my vocal cords a rest (and maybe get back to reading something adult for a change!)

    I just love everything about looking for books, finding books, sharing books... I'm trying to stay away from titles that are too popular (though I know I'll get to them all eventually) but if anyone has any recommendations, please share. You know I will hunt them down!

  9. okay, you've convinced me to de-lurk then. i've got a book obsessed toddler here at home so i was so happy to find your blog a few months ago - we've been making book lists based on your great reviews!

  10. I've been reading your blog for a little while now and I love your reviews! Some are my favorites too and some I haven't heard of. Keep up the good work!

  11. I just recently found your blog through I-forget-where. But I'm thrilled about it. I have been meaning to comment, and you've given me the perfect reason to! I'm currently in a children's lit course and have been completely absorbed with picture-book-finding. The best thing ever is that I've rarely already heard of the books you feature. So, so great.

  12. I also just found your blog a few weeks ago and I'm really enjoying it. You've already reminded me of several books I loved as a child. You've also inspired me to start looking at thrift stores and used book stores for old children's books again...something I used to do all the time when my son was younger and I was trying to build up our "library." Now he's seven and loves to read to me or his little sister, which is so fun to see! Keep up the good work.

  13. How fun and what a nice thing to do. We are ALWAYS up for a new exciting book! Thanks,
    Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)

  14. we had a book party for my one year old, and many family members brought vintage books from their childhood as a gift. very cool giveaway.
