Monday, March 24, 2008

Great Monday Give: Gilberto and the Wind

Doing the highly-scientific blind scroll and point, I randomly selected Emily as the winner of last week's The Great Monday Give... The Gunniwolf.

Emily had these fine words to say about VKBMKL....

How fun! I just love reading your blog.
I'm a 2nd grade teacher and a children's book collector
so I get such a kick out of your blog!

Thanks Emily! You can send me an e-mail at with your info, and I'll ship The Gunniwolf out to you media mail ASAP.

Next up, I have another recently reviewed book I'd like to giveaway! It's a nice reading/hard/library copy of Gilberto and the Wind.

Remember, all you have to do to be eligible to win is leave a comment on this post by midnight, March 30. Good luck! And congrats again Emily!


  1. Count me in! Congratulations to Emily and thanks to Scribbler!

  2. How fun!! Thanks!! I just sent you an e-mail with my info!

  3. LOVE this blog. Pick me, please? :)

  4. Thanks for doing this each week - how exciting! Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)

  5. Thanks again for another chance at a freebie! Gilberto and the Wind looks so sweet. I love the simplicity of the illustrations.

  6. What a great idea. I would love to read Gilberto with my little boy. Love this blog. Thank You.

  7. I found this place of your a couple months ago and we've added so many book/friends to our collection due to your lovely reviews:) This book about the wind looks perfect for my wee ones - one with his two year old imagination in which even avocados are friends and the one year old who runs like the wind.

  8. I love peeking in on the great books you find. Keep up the wonderful work! (Oh, and of course, I would love to win :)

  9. Wonderful--thanks so much for another giveaway!

  10. I am just loving your blog. I was going through old posts and found a book I remember from when I was young and had totally forgotten about. Quiet There's a Canary in My Library - LOVED it and didn't remember it. Now I need to find a copy on the internet so I can read it to my kids. Thanks for doing this!

  11. Fantastic giveaway books! And so awesome of you to share not only your vintage book knowledge, but your books!

  12. dude.... really I hate that people find books cheap and resale them for a ton... it is such a racket! particularly when they aren't even first editions or anything... just out of print... and usually beat up old library editions at that! (meaning they probably got the thing for 50 cents anyway....)

    i'm having the best time doing this!
