Karla Kuskin
Illustrations by Marc Simont
Harper Row, 1986
Political cartoonist and children's book illustrator Marc Simont has got to be one of my favorites. His pictures are so effortless, yet say so much, they are an absolute joy to look at. And I can't get over what an innovative way this is to bring a child into the world of the symphony. Through the back drawers as they say... Each member of the orchestra gets clean and dressed and embarks to the concert hall via bus, car, limo... and finally appears onstage for the warm up and concert.
First they get washed.
There are ninety-two men and thirteen women.
Many take showers. A few take baths.
Two men and three women run bubble baths,
and one man reads in the tub while the cat watches.
One woman sits in the bubbles and sings.
I remember going to the symphony as a child and thinking that world was so grownup and glamorous and exciting. If I'd read this book then, it would have made the experience that much more thrilling and captivating.
Also by:
Roar and More
A Tree is Nice
I Know a Magic House
I love this book too! I especially love the "beetle wing jacket" :) Lovely review!