Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Space Witch

Space Witch
Don Freeman~ Penguin Books, 1959

Remembered having this one as a child. I bought it at a library sale, but I have to admit, the first time I read it to my son, he got creeped out. Famous for writing Corduroy, Don Freeman crafts a sweet and sinister tale of a witch with the right stuff. Only this guy could create a character who designs a "Zoom Broom" out of suspenders, tinfoil, six containers of silly putty and an old dinosaur tooth.

"Kit, how would you like to spend Halloween frightening creatures on other planets?"

As you can imagine, her trip into space doesn't quite go as planned, but that's the fun of it. Once I'd read it all the way through I remembered that the book had scared me as a child too. Not really the story, but the drawings of the witch... or it could have just been that she is a witch, period.

Either way, gotta love that Space Witch!

Also by:
Quiet! There's a Canary in the Library
Fly High Fly Low
Mop Top
The Guard Mouse


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1 comment:

  1. I had that book when i was 8 years old. got it from the book fair 1975
